Search results for Jovian Planet

Astronomy Oct 27, 2023

JWST takes a detailed look at Jupiter's moon Ganymede

Nature doesn't conform to our ideas of neatly-contained categories. Many things in nature blur the lines we try to draw around them. That's true of Jupiter's moon Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system

Astronomy Oct 24, 2023

How NASA Is protecting Europa Clipper from space radiation

To explore the mysterious ice-encrusted moon Europa, the mission will need to endure bombardment by radiation and high-energy particles surrounding Jupiter.

Astronomy Oct 19, 2023

Webb discovers new feature in Jupiter's atmosphere

Jupiter has some of the most conspicuous atmospheric features in our solar system. The planet's Great Red Spot, large enough to envelop Earth, is nearly as well known as some of the various rivers and mountains on the planet ...

Space Exploration Sep 20, 2023

Juice: Why's it taking so long?

At their closest point in orbit, Earth and Jupiter are separated by almost 600 million kilometers. At the time of writing, five months after launch, Juice has already traveled 370 million kilometers, yet in time it's only ...

Astronomy Aug 30, 2023

Exploring Io's volcanic activity via Hubble and Webb telescopes

The two most powerful space telescopes ever built, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Hubble Space Telescope, are about to gather data about the most volcanically body in the entire solar system, Jupiter's first ...

Space Exploration Aug 18, 2023

Scientists review the trajectory design and optimization for Jovian system exploration

The Jovian system has long attracted the interest of human exploration. However, Jupiter and its four Galilean moons form a unique and complex multi-body dynamical environment that greatly challenges trajectory design and ...

Astronomy Jul 31, 2023

Chinese scientists complete a concept study for a 6-meter space telescope to find habitable exoplanets

We have discovered more than 5,400 planets in the universe. These worlds range from hot jovians that closely orbit their star to warm ocean worlds to cold gas giants. While we know they are there, we don't know much about ...

Space Exploration Jul 26, 2023

NASA's Juno is getting ever closer to Jupiter's moon Io

The spinning, solar-powered spacecraft will take another look of the fiery Jovian moon on July 30.

Planetary Sciences Jul 17, 2023

Research team identifies giant swirling waves at the edge of Jupiter's magnetosphere

A team led by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) has found that NASA's Juno spacecraft orbiting Jupiter frequently encounters giant swirling waves at the boundary between ...

Astronomy Jul 6, 2023

Astronomers discover elusive planet responsible for spiral arms around its star

Depictions of the Milky Way show a coiling pattern of spiral "arms" filled with stars extending outward from the center. Similar patterns have been observed in the swirling clouds of gas and dust surrounding some young stars—planetary ...

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