Search results for Gravity Probe B

Astronomy May 25, 2020

Beta Cephei-type pulsations detected in V453 Cygni

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), astronomers have detected Beta Cephei-type pulsations in an eclipsing binary system known as V453 Cygni. The finding, detailed in a paper published May 15 on, ...

Astronomy Nov 19, 2019

Exoplanet axis study boosts hopes of complex life, just not next door

"They're out there," goes a saying about extraterrestrials. It would seem more likely to be true in light of a new study on planetary axis tilts.

Space Exploration Jan 17, 2019

Saturn hasn't always had rings

One of the last acts of NASA's Cassini spacecraft before its death plunge into Saturn's hydrogen and helium atmosphere was to coast between the planet and its rings and let them tug it around, essentially acting as a gravity ...

Astronomy Jan 10, 2019

Magnetar mysteries in our galaxy and beyond

In a new Caltech-led study, researchers from campus and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have analyzed pulses of radio waves coming from a magnetar—a rotating, dense, dead star with a strong magnetic field—that is ...

Astronomy Nov 1, 2018

Could 'Oumuamua be an extraterrestrial solar sail?

On October 19th, 2017, the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System-1 (Pan-STARRS-1) in Hawaii announced the first-ever detection of an interstellar asteroid, named 1I/2017 U1 (aka, "Oumuamua). In the months that ...

Nanophysics Jul 23, 2018

Cell-sized robots can sense their environment

Researchers at MIT have created what may be the smallest robots yet that can sense their environment, store data, and even carry out computational tasks. These devices, which are about the size of a human egg cell, consist ...

Astronomy Apr 20, 2018

The challenges of an alien spaceflight program—escaping super-Earths and red dwarf stars

Since the beginning of the Space Age, humans have relied on chemical rockets to get into space. While this method is certainly effective, it is also very expensive and requires a considerable amount of resources. As we look ...

Quantum Physics Oct 27, 2017

Physicists propose test of quantum gravity using current technology

Physicists have proposed a way to test quantum gravity that, in principle, could be performed by a laser-based, table-top experiment using currently available technology. Although a theory of quantum gravity would overcome ...

Space Exploration Sep 12, 2017

When the world is not enough—how to find another planet to live on

The seafaring explorers of the 16th century famously found many new homes for humanity in faraway, unknown corners of the world. While it may seem that such colonisation has since ground to a halt, some have argued it is ...

Astronomy Jul 10, 2017

Heart of an exploded star observed in 3-D

Supernovas—the violent endings of the brief yet brilliant lives of massive stars—are among the most cataclysmic events in the cosmos. Though supernovas mark the death of stars, they also trigger the birth of new elements ...

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