Search results for slip events

Space Exploration Apr 8, 2024

A total solar eclipse races across North America as clouds part along totality

A chilly, midday darkness fell across North America on Monday as a total solar eclipse raced across the continent, thrilling those lucky enough to behold the spectacle through clear skies.

Earth Sciences Mar 29, 2024

Largest ice shelf in Antarctica lurches forward once or twice each day

In Antarctica, heavy glaciers are always on the move. Conveyor belts of ice, known as ice streams, are the corridors of faster flow that carry most of the vast glaciers' ice and sediment debris out toward the ocean.

Earth Sciences Mar 21, 2024

Q&A: Clarifying the megathrust earthquake mechanism

There is a 70-80% chance that the Nankai Trough Megathrust Earthquake will occur in the next 30 years. It is predicted to cause more extensive damage than the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and fatalities may exceed 320,000.

Environment Mar 21, 2024

Q&A: What happened underground during the Noto Peninsula earthquake?

The Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred on January 1 brought the challenges of earthquake-prone Japan back into sharp focus. With a magnitude of 7.6, surpassing the 1995 Kobe earthquake (Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake), ...

Education Mar 20, 2024

ChatGPT is an effective tool for planning field work, school trips and even holidays, say scientists

Researchers exploring ways to utilize ChatGPT for work, say it could save organizations and individuals a lot of time and money when it comes to planning trips.

Earth Sciences Mar 7, 2024

Deadly earthquakes trigger hunt for speedier alerts

Researchers in Europe have identified an underground signal that may be a precursor to strong quakes.

Earth Sciences Feb 27, 2024

Tsunami on the plains: Researchers find that sea waves once swept Canadian Prairie Provinces

Hundreds of millions of years ago, an earthquake sent a series of massive waves across the ancient sea that covered part of Western Canada and the northern United States.

Biotechnology Feb 9, 2024

Pioneering technique reveals new layer of human gene regulation

A technique can determine for the first time how frequently, and exactly where, a molecular event called "backtracking" occurs throughout the genetic material (genome) of any species, a new study shows.

Earth Sciences Jan 29, 2024

Researchers explore how fractures nucleate, propagate and stop

Here's a moment that almost everyone has experienced—you drop your phone screen down on a hard surface and hear the telltale crunch. The screen is cracked but you don't know how bad. You pick up the phone and survey the ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 25, 2024

Scientists discover the moon is shrinking, causing landslides and instability in lunar south pole

Earth's moon shrank more than 150 feet in circumference as its core gradually cooled over the last few hundred million years. In much the same way a grape wrinkles when it shrinks down to a raisin, the moon also develops ...

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