Search results for diamond

Archaeology Jun 24, 2024

What the 3.2 million-year-old Lucy fossil reveals about nudity and shame

Fifty years ago, scientists discovered a nearly complete fossilized skull and hundreds of pieces of bone of a 3.2-million-year-old female specimen of the genus Australopithecus afarensis, often described as "the mother of ...

Archaeology Jun 21, 2024

Study challenges popular idea that Easter islanders committed 'ecocide'

Some 1,000 years ago, a small band of Polynesians sailed thousands of miles across the Pacific to settle one of the world's most isolated places—a small, previously uninhabited island they named Rapa Nui. There, they erected ...

Social Sciences Jun 20, 2024

Behavioral economics theory explains a popular banana-clicking video game

In the ever-evolving online gaming landscape, one seemingly simple online game has captivated players. The free-to-play clicker Banana has amassed more than 850,000 concurrent players on the gaming platform Steam.

Superconductivity Jun 17, 2024

Strange metal state discovered in hydrogen-rich compound of lanthanum under pressure

Researchers from Skoltech, Jilin University and Beijing HPSTAR in China, and their German colleagues have synthesized and studied a new type of hydrogen-rich superconductor. Technically referred to as an A15-type lanthanum ...

Quantum Physics Jun 17, 2024

Study proposes new constraints on exotic spin-spin-velocity-dependent interactions between electron spins

A research team has utilized solid-state spin quantum sensors to scrutinize exotic spin-spin-velocity-dependent interactions (SSIVDs) at short force ranges, reporting new experimental results between electron spins. Their ...

Condensed Matter Jun 14, 2024

New approach to identifying altermagnetic materials

Magnetic materials have traditionally been classified as either ferromagnetic, like the decorative magnets on iron refrigerator doors that are seemingly always magnetic, or antiferromagnetic, like two bar magnets placed end-to-end ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 10, 2024

'Quantum optical antennas' provide more powerful measurements on the atomic level

Similar to how a radio antenna plucks a broadcast from the air and concentrates the energy into a song, individual atoms can collect and concentrate the energy of light into a strong, localized signal that researchers can ...

Quantum Physics Jun 7, 2024

Mapping noise to improve quantum measurements

One of the biggest challenges in quantum technology and quantum sensing is "noise"–seemingly random environmental disturbances that can disrupt the delicate quantum states of qubits, the fundamental units of quantum information.

Condensed Matter Jun 6, 2024

Highly sensitive diamond quantum magnetometer can achieve practical ambient condition magnetoencephalography

A highly sensitive diamond quantum magnetometer utilizing nitrogen-vacancy centers can achieve millimeter-scale resolution magnetoencephalography (MEG), as reported by scientists from Tokyo Tech. The novel magnetometer, based ...

Environment Jun 5, 2024

Opinion: Africa doesn't have choice between economic growth and protecting the environment—how they can merge

Heathrow Airport in the UK currently uses more energy than the entire west African country of Sierra Leone. Despite Africa accounting for less than 4% of all global greenhouse gas emissions, many of its countries face significant ...

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