Search results for ancient boat

Environment Feb 21, 2024

'You can't imagine the damage': Dam threatens historic Laos town

A short boat ride upstream from the ancient Laotian royal capital of Luang Prabang, a massive dam is under construction that critics say threatens the riverside town's allure and heritage status.

Archaeology Jan 30, 2024

European immigrants introduced farming to prehistoric North Africa, new research shows

The Neolithic age—when agriculture and animal farming were adopted—has become one of the most widely studied periods of social and economic transition in recent years. It was a period that drove great change in the evolution ...

Environment Jan 24, 2024

Heavens remain shut over Catalonia as three-year drought persists

Although Atlantic storms regularly sweep through Spain they always seem to peter out before reaching Catalonia, which is experiencing its worst drought in living memory and may soon have to restrict water use.

Ecology Dec 29, 2023

'Ecology on steroids': How Australia's First Nations managed Australia's ecosystems

First Nations people please be advised this article speaks of racially discriminating moments in history, including the distress and death of First Nations people.

Archaeology Dec 16, 2023

North America's first people may have arrived by sea ice highway as early as 24,000 years ago

One of the hottest debates in archaeology is how and when humans first arrived in North America. Archaeologists have traditionally argued that people walked through an ice-free corridor that briefly opened between ice sheets ...

Social Sciences Dec 12, 2023

What's the point of giving gifts? An anthropologist explains this ancient part of being human

Have you planned out your holiday gift giving yet? If you're anything like me, you might be waiting until the last minute. But whether every single present is already wrapped and ready, or you'll hit the shops on Christmas ...

Evolution Nov 21, 2023

Trilobites rise from the ashes to reveal ancient map

Ten newly discovered species of trilobites, hidden for 490 million years in a little-studied part of Thailand, could be the missing pieces in an intricate puzzle of ancient world geography.

Other Nov 18, 2023

Saturday Citations: Bronze-Age gender representation, gamma rays, nice bonobos in your neighborhood want to meet you

This week's news roundup includes a Bronze Age discovery that calls into question existing ideas of gender representation from the period. More research confirms that bonobos are actually nice. Plus: Actual good climate news?

Ecology Nov 16, 2023

'King of Lake Ohrid': the fight to save a Balkan trout

Along the picturesque shores of Lake Ohrid, things have taken on a frantic pace at the Lin Hatchery in Albania's Pogradec, as a team of specialists races to release the final batch of newly spawned trout this season.

Environment Nov 15, 2023

Thousands of homes underwater after floods hit Vietnam

The ancient Vietnamese city of Hue, a world heritage site popular with tourists, was underwater Wednesday after heavy rain flooded thousands of homes and blocked highways.

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