Search results for Mammoths

Planetary Sciences Jun 6, 2024

EarthCARE on cloud nine after smooth start to mission

ESA's EarthCARE mission has completed its important "Launch and Early Orbit Phase" and is ready to begin the commissioning of its four scientific instruments. The data they gather will improve our understanding of the role ...

Paleontology & Fossils Jun 6, 2024

Fossil-hunting diver says he has found a large section of mastodon tusk off Florida's coast

At first, fossil-hunting diver Alex Lundberg thought the lengthy object on the sea floor off Florida's Gulf Coast was a piece of wood. It turned out to be something far rarer, Lundberg said, a large section of tusk from a ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 5, 2024

Antibiotic discovery effort uses AI to uncover potential new antibiotics in the global microbiome

Almost a century ago, the discovery of antibiotics like penicillin revolutionized medicine by harnessing the natural bacteria-killing abilities of microbes. Now, a new study co-led by researchers at the Perelman School of ...

Environment Jun 5, 2024

Torrent of volcanic mudflow hits Philippine village

Heavy rain washed volcanic mud and debris through a village in the central Philippines on Wednesday, two days after a nearby volcano erupted.

Ecology Jun 4, 2024

Human activity contributed to woolly rhinoceros' extinction, suggest researchers

Researchers have discovered sustained hunting by humans prevented the woolly rhinoceros from accessing favorable habitats as Earth warmed following the Last Ice Age.

Evolution May 31, 2024

Novel technique uncovers clues to disappearance of North America's large mammals 50,000 years ago

50,000 years ago, North America was ruled by megafauna. Lumbering mammoths roamed the tundra, while forests were home to towering mastodons, fierce saber-toothed tigers and enormous wolves. Bison and extraordinarily tall ...

Environment May 10, 2024

Iceland's 'Mammoth' raises potential for carbon capture

With Mammoth's 72 industrial fans, Swiss start-up Climeworks intends to suck 36,000 tonnes of CO2 from the air annually to bury underground, vying to prove the technology has a place in the fight against global warming.

Environment May 8, 2024

High hopes for carbon capture, underground storage

Capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere to store underground "sounds too good to be true", a climate expert told AFP, yet the technology to increase its capacity tenfold is already being tested.

Ecology Apr 24, 2024

Laser technology offers breakthrough in detecting illegal ivory

A new way of quickly distinguishing between illegal elephant ivory and legal mammoth tusk ivory could prove critical to fighting the illegal ivory trade. A laser-based approach developed by scientists at the Universities ...

Environment Apr 12, 2024

Biden plans sweeping effort to block Arctic oil drilling

The U.S. set aside 23 million acres of Alaska's North Slope to serve as an emergency oil supply a century ago. Now, President Joe Biden is moving to block oil and gas development across roughly half of it.

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