See also stories tagged with Climate change

Search results for climate change

Plants & Animals 12 hours ago

Insecticides contribute to drop in butterfly species across US MidWest: Study

Insecticide use is a major factor causing a decrease in the size and diversity of butterfly populations across the US Midwest, reports Braeden Van Deynze of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and colleagues in ...

Earth Sciences 13 hours ago

AI can help forecast toxic 'blue-green tides'

A team of Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists plan to use artificial intelligence modeling to forecast, and better understand, a growing threat to water caused by toxic algal blooms. Fueled by climate change and rising ...

Cell & Microbiology 15 hours ago

Climate change is helping the H5N1 bird flu virus spread and evolve

The spread of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 among animals is unprecedented having been found on all continents—except Oceania—with the United Nations calling it "a global zoonotic animal pandemic."

Environment 15 hours ago

The problems with climate scenarios, and how to fix them

Faced with the uncertainties surrounding climate change, policymakers and investors need to know what can happen and how likely these outcomes may be. Unfortunately, current scenarios answer only the first question—and ...

Environment 21 hours ago

Four in five people want more climate action: UN survey

Four in every five people want their country to strengthen its commitments to addressing climate change, according to a global poll of 75,000 participants published on Thursday.

Environment 13 hours ago

Research review offers insights for transforming the food sector

We're facing rising food insecurity, the cost-of-living squeeze, and ever-changing climate events. It's no wonder our food systems are in urgent need of a reboot.

Molecular & Computational biology 14 hours ago

Study uncovers genetic key to overcoming water stress in cucumbers

Waterlogged conditions, a consequence of heavy rainfall or inadequate drainage, disproportionately affect crops with delicate root systems like cucumbers. These conditions not only impede root respiration and plant development ...

Environment 15 hours ago

Amid scorching heat, 900 people died in Saudi Arabia—climate change has made the Hajj pilgrimage more risky

Each year, millions of Muslims from across the world embark on the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The mass migration is unparalleled in scale, and pilgrims face numerous health hazards.

Environment 15 hours ago

Heat wave claims lives of at least 125 in Mexico this year, hitting country's most vulnerable

When the nursing home in southern Mexico began to bake in the country's ongoing heat wave, staff cycled their elderly residents through the few cooling options they had.

Earth Sciences 14 hours ago

Defunct satellites burning up in the atmosphere could damage the ozone layer

Communications companies such as Starlink plan to launch tens of thousands of satellites into orbit around Earth over the next decade or so. The growing swarm is already causing problems for astronomers, but recent research ...

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