Search results for skin sores

Ecology Dec 22, 2022

Squirrelpox outbreak detected in north Wales: Without a vaccine, the disease will keep decimating red squirrels

Concerns over the spread of squirrelpox have increased after a sick red squirrel was found in Bangor, Wales, in late November.

Social Sciences May 4, 2022

'This black smoke rolling through the mulga': Almost 70 years on, it's time to remember the atomic tests at Emu Field

The name Emu Field does not have the same resonance as Maralinga in Australian history. It is usually a footnote to the much larger atomic test site in South Australia. However, the weapons testing that took place in October ...

Environment Mar 9, 2022

Thinking of buying a dehumidifier? Advice from an expert on mold and damp

Google searches for "dehumidifier" have soared in the past month, especially in New South Wales, and there are a lot of options to choose from.

Education Feb 14, 2022

Pandemic-related school closings likely to have far-reaching effects on child well-being

A global analysis has found that kids whose schools closed to stop the spread of various waves of the coronavirus lost educational progress and are at increased risk of dropping out of school. As a result, the study says, ...

Plants & Animals Nov 23, 2021

When bees get a taste for dead things: Meat-eating 'vulture bees' sport acidic guts

A little-known species of tropical bee has evolved an extra tooth for biting flesh and a gut that more closely resembles that of vultures rather than other bees.

Ecology Nov 22, 2021

Where will the next pandemic begin? The Amazon rainforest offers troubling clues

The 10-year-old took off running down a dirt road in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, turning cartwheels, playing tag and picking fistfuls of wild bougainvillea.

Education Jun 11, 2021

Florida bans 'critical race theory' from its classrooms

Florida's state Board of Education banned "critical race theory" from public school classrooms Thursday, adopting new rules it said would shield schoolchildren from curricula that could "distort historical events."

Plants & Animals May 6, 2021

Surprising sand fly find yields new species of bacteria

Researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina Greensboro made a surprising finding while examining areas where sand flies rear their young: a new species of bacteria that is highly attractive ...

Plants & Animals Mar 19, 2021

Neglected species—red alert for endangered trees

Trees supply the air that we breathe, help regulate our climate and provide habitat, food and shelter for millions of species, including our own. We are utterly dependent on them for survival. With Amazonia and Australia ...

Materials Science Mar 2, 2021

3-D images of fabric 'sandwich' can help measure textile friction

To quantify exactly how itchy a wool sweater might be when worn directly against the skin, or how soft a blanket spread on your bed can be, North Carolina State University researchers developed a method of measuring fabric's ...

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