Search results for moral objections

Social Sciences Mar 25, 2024

Can being too enthusiastic about work have its downsides?

How much do you love your job? Some employees show up every day, profoundly passionate about their company's mission. Others are extrinsically motivated and work primarily because they need to financially support their family ...

Social Sciences Feb 24, 2024

Making it personal: Considering an issue's relevance to your own life could help reduce political polarization

Political polarization can be reduced when people are told to think about the personal relevance of issues they might not care about at first glance.

Plants & Animals Feb 3, 2024

Training an animal? An ethicist explains how and why your dog, but not your frog, can be punished

People talk to their pets every day: offering praise when they're good, reassurance when they're confused and affection when they're cuddling. We also speak to animals when they misbehave. "Why did you do that?" someone might ...

Social Sciences Jan 23, 2024

Why do so many people choose not to report rape?

Why do so many people choose not to report rape? Research shows that the trauma of talking about the abuse as well as owning one's own narrative of what happened can be crucial.

Social Sciences Jan 23, 2024

What does the 'common good' actually mean? Research finds common ground across the political divide

Some topics are hard to define. They are nebulous; their meanings are elusive. Topics relating to morality fit this description. So do those that are subjective, meaning different things to different people in different contexts.

Social Sciences Jan 18, 2024

Some people who share fake news on social media actually think they're helping the world, say researchers

Misinformation is the number one risk facing society over the next two years, according to the World Economic Forum. With key elections due in the US, UK, and many other nations this year, an onslaught of political misinformation ...

Social Sciences Jan 18, 2024

What are the principles of civilian immunity in war? A scholar of justice in war explains

About 1 in 100 Gazans have been killed since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health's Jan. 8, 2024, update. More than 24,000 people have died, an average of 250 each day. The Israel ...

Social Sciences Jan 16, 2024

Who defends bullying victims? A study analyzes adolescents' behavior in this regard

A research team at the University of Cordoba studied the behavior of those defending adolescent victims of bullying and its relationship to the student's social and regulatory adjustment and perceptions of popularity among ...

Social Sciences Jan 11, 2024

'Legal animism': When a river or even nature itself goes to court

On 30 March 2011, a truly unprecedented event took place at a provincial court in Loja, Equator, located some 270 miles from the capital of Quito. The Vilcabamba River, a plaintiff in a trial there, convinced the tribunal ...

Plants & Animals Dec 7, 2023

Why dozens of North American bird species are getting new names: Every name tells a story

This winter, tens of thousands of birders will survey winter bird populations for the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count, part of an international bird census, powered by volunteers, that has taken place every ...

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