Search results for herbivorous ants

Plants & Animals Nov 21, 2022

California's Mojave desert tortoises move toward extinction. Why saving them is so hard

Behind the fences surrounding this 40-square-mile outback of cactus and wiry creosote, the largest remaining population of Mojave desert tortoises was soaking up the morning sun and grazing on a mix of wild greens and flowers.

Plants & Animals Nov 8, 2022

Spider mites found to avoid leaves where ants have been

Ants may not urinate to mark their territory as dogs do, but the behavior of spider mites might suggest otherwise. Under significant pressure from ants, mites have to choose between safety and risk: staying out of ant territory ...

Evolution Oct 13, 2022

Catnip and pea aphids came up with different ways to make the same molecule

In a new study in PNAS, a research team at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, shows that both catnip and pea aphids produce the substance nepetalactone, even though the plant and the insect evolved ...

Plants & Animals Sep 26, 2022

Bottom-up process plays central role in determining ant-tree interaction networks

Ants and host plants often form mutualistic relationships. Host plants can provide ants with food directly or indirectly. In return, ants can protect plants from herbivore damage and may participate in pollination and seed ...

Plants & Animals Sep 16, 2022

The koala: When it's smart to be slow

The koala was clinging to an old tree stag while stranded in the Murray River, on the border between New South Wales and Victoria. A team of students from La Trobe University noticed its predicament as they were paddling ...

Ecology Sep 14, 2022

Tropical insects are extremely sensitive to changing climates

Insects that are adapted to perennially wet environments, like tropical rainforests, don't tend to do well when their surroundings dry out. New research published this Wednesday indicates they may be equally averse to heavy ...

Plants & Animals Aug 19, 2022

Microbes protect a leaf beetle—but for a price

Insects are known to rely on microbial protection during immobile developmental stages, such as eggs. But despite the susceptibility of pupae to antagonistic challenges, the role of microbes in ensuring defense during an ...

Plants & Animals Apr 6, 2022

Attempting to understand the pollination secrets of the cacao tree

Cacao has long been a sought-after raw material for the worlds food industry. At first glance, it therefore seems surprising that biology knows little about the pollination of the cacao tree—although it is precisely this ...

Ecology Jan 4, 2022

Honeydew contaminated with systemic insecticides threatens beneficial insects

Neonicotinoids and other systemic insecticides can contaminate honeydew, which is an important food source for beneficial insects in agroecosystems, according to an international team of researchers.

Plants & Animals Jan 3, 2022

Accidental tree wound reveals novel symbiotic behavior by ants

One afternoon, during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Panama, a bored teenager with a slingshot and a clay ball accidentally shot entry and exit holes in a Cecropia tree trunk. These are "ant-plant" trees, which ...

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