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Search results for Phobos

Space Exploration Jun 29, 2023

The long history and bright future of space sample deliveries

When NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft releases a capsule with material from asteroid Bennu onto the Utah desert on Sept. 24, it will become the latest in a line of missions to gather samples from space and deliver them to Earth. ...

Space Exploration Jun 27, 2023

Germany is building a tiny rover that will roam the surface of Phobos

At this very moment, eleven robotic missions are operating in orbit or on the surface of Mars, more than at any point during the past 60 years. These include the many orbiters surveying the red planet from orbit, the handful ...

Space Exploration Apr 24, 2023

UAE spacecraft takes close-up photos of Mars' little moon

A spacecraft around Mars has sent back the most detailed photos yet of the red planet's little moon.

Planetary Sciences Mar 25, 2023

RNA base in asteroid samples suggests origins of life on Earth: Study

The black particles from an asteroid some 300 million kilometers away look unremarkable, like pieces of charcoal, but they hold a component of life itself.

Astrobiology Dec 1, 2022

Should we build a nature reserve on Mars?

There are 8 billion of us now. The UN says when the population peaks around the year 2100, there'll be 11 billion human souls. Our population growth is colliding with the natural world on a greater scale than ever, and we're ...

Space Exploration Nov 18, 2022

JAXA's ambitious mission to Phobos will even have European-built rover

Japan and Germany have a history of collaboration in scientific and technological endeavors. The countries have a Joint Committee on Cooperation in Science Technology that has met many times over the decades. Both countries ...

Space Exploration Nov 14, 2022

Phobos surface striations tell a story of its rupturing interior

Phobos, the 22-km diameter innermost moon of Mars, is a groovy body. Unlike its little brother Deimos, Phobos has developed a striking pattern of parallel linear features running across its surface. These grooves are a distinctive ...

Space Exploration Oct 31, 2022

A close encounter with a mysterious moon

In 1877, American astronomer Asaph Hall discovered two small moons circling the planet Mars, later named Phobos and Deimos after the Greek for "fear" and "panic."

Planetary Sciences Oct 26, 2022

New technique to determine age will open new era of planetary science, researchers say

The coming decade is expected to bring a veritable bonanza for the science of planets: space missions are scheduled to bring back samples of rock from the moon, Mars, the Martian moon of Phobos, and a primitive asteroid. ...

Planetary Sciences Aug 22, 2022

Were Phobos and Deimos once a single Martian moon that split up? Not likely, says new study

The origin of Phobos and Deimos, the two Martian moons, has been a mystery to astronomers. These two bodies are a fraction of the size and mass of the Moon, measuring just 22.7 km (14 mi) and 12.6 km (7.83 mi) in diameter. ...

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