Search results for aerosolization

Soft Matter Jan 19, 2021

Free online tool calculates risk of COVID-19 transmission in poorly-ventilated spaces

The vital role of ventilation in the spread of COVID-19 has been quantified by researchers, who have found that in poorly-ventilated spaces, the virus spreads further than two meters in seconds, and is far more likely to ...

Earth Sciences Sep 3, 2020

Wildfires produce minerals that freeze clouds

Certain particles in the atmosphere have the unique ability to change the properties of clouds by causing water droplets to freeze at higher temperatures than they would on their own. With this ability, these so-called ice ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 30, 2020

Face coverings made from layered cotton fabric likely slow the spread of COVID-19 better than synthetics

Researchers have completed a new study of how well a variety of natural and synthetic fabrics filter particles of a similar size to the virus that causes COVID-19. Of the 32 cloth materials tested, three of the five most ...

Environment Nov 30, 2018

Eating out, breathing in

By now, most Americans are well aware of the air pollution created by power plants or heavy vehicle traffic. These sources discharge harmful particulate matter that becomes suspended in the air, creating what's called an ...

Earth Sciences Nov 24, 2017

Cooking fats in the atmosphere may affect climate more than previously thought

Fats being released into the atmosphere from cookers such as deep fat fryers may be enhancing the formation of clouds, which have a major cooling effect on the planet.

Environment Mar 17, 2016

Model developed to measure China's share of global warming

(—A large team of researchers from China and France has developed a model meant to show the degree to which China has contributed to global warming over the past two and a half centuries. In their paper published ...

Earth Sciences Dec 21, 2015

Salty sea spray affects the lifetimes of clouds, researchers find

All over the planet, every day, oceans send plumes of sea spray into the atmosphere. Beyond the poetry of crashing ocean waves, this salt- and carbon-rich spray has a dramatic effect on the formation and duration of clouds.

Earth Sciences Feb 2, 2015

Scientists identify ocean biology that affects sea spray chemistry, atmospheric particles

Breaking ocean waves beget a wake of bubbles. Reaching the sea surface, they burst into a spray of salt and carbon-rich material produced from microscopic sea critters. The far-flung particles can loft high enough to affect ...

Materials Science May 25, 2010

K-State researchers patent a new multipurpose gel material with wide commercial applications

A team of Kansas State University researchers has patented a new, more cost effective way to make a gel that can be used in fuel cells, water filtration systems, or perhaps as a net to capture fine cometary dust.

Environment Mar 29, 2023

Study finds sulfate pollution impacts Texas gulf coast air

Sitting on the beach, taking in the breeze, you might think the sea air is better for you than its inland equivalent. But researchers at the University of Houston have found that the air along the Gulf of Mexico coast in ...

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