Search results for asteroid belt

Space Exploration Oct 15, 2021

Imminent asteroid missions could reveal our origins, and help save Earth from deadly strike

Asteroids are remnants of the early Solar System, with the potential to reveal secrets of our planet's origins. But they could also bring an end to life on Earth. Now two missions, Lucy and DART (Double Asteroid Redirection ...

Space Exploration Oct 14, 2021

Lucy in the sky: Spacecraft will visit record 8 asteroids

Attention asteroid aficionados: NASA is set to launch a series of spacecraft to visit and even bash some of the solar system's most enticing space rocks.

Astronomy Oct 14, 2021

We've spotted a planet surviving its dying star – here's what it tells us about end of our Solar System

How will the solar system die? It's a hugely important question that researchers have considered deeply, using our knowledge of physics to create complex theoretical models. We know that the sun will eventually become a "white ...

Planetary Sciences Oct 13, 2021

To watch a comet form, a spacecraft could tag along for a journey toward the sun

Deep in the solar system, between Jupiter and Neptune, lurk thousands of small chunks of ice and rock. Occasionally, one of them will bump into Jupiter's orbit, get caught and flung into the inner solar system—towards the ...

Astronomy Oct 12, 2021

ESO images some of the biggest asteroids in our Solar System

The detailed images of these 42 objects are a leap forward in exploring asteroids, made possible thanks to ground-based telescopes, and contribute to answering the ultimate question of life, the Universe, and everything.

Astronomy Oct 12, 2021

NASA's Lucy spacecraft poised to launch Oct. 16

NASA's Lucy spacecraft is encapsulated in a protective fairing atop an Atlas V rocket, awaiting its 23-day launch window to open on October 16. All is go for the Southwest Research Institute-led mission to begin, as the spacecraft ...

Space Exploration Oct 7, 2021

NASA's Lucy mission: A journey to the young solar system

NASA's Lucy spacecraft will launch in October 2021 on a 12-year journey to Jupiter's Trojan asteroids. The Lucy mission will include three Earth gravity assists and visits to eight asteroids.

Planetary Sciences Oct 6, 2021

Dwarf planet Vesta serves as a window to the early solar system

The dwarf planet Vesta is helping scientists better understand the earliest era in the formation of our solar system. Two recent papers involving scientists from the University of California, Davis, use data from meteorites ...

Space Exploration Oct 6, 2021

Where Earth's water comes from, preparing for DART impact and other lessons from space

Two NAU astronomers presented groundbreaking research at the annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences, a branch of the American Academy of Sciences.

Astronomy Oct 4, 2021

Science of Psyche: Unique asteroid holds clues to early solar system

Set to launch next year, NASA's Psyche mission marks the first time the agency has set out to explore an asteroid richer in metal than rock or ice.

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