See also stories tagged with Bluetooth

Search results for Bluetooth

Other Jun 9, 2017

A day in the life of a smart-city commuter — and why it's not so far from reality

The alarm on your smart phone went off 10 minutes earlier than usual this morning. Parts of the city are closed off in preparation for a popular end of summer event, so congestion is expected to be worse than usual. You'll ...

Consumer & Gadgets Jun 8, 2017

Review: Moto G5 Plus: An inexpensive Android phone with all the right features

If there's one thing I admire about Android phones, it's the variety of models available at all price points.

Consumer & Gadgets Jun 8, 2017

How to keep the pen mighty in the digital age

Of late, it has been looking as if the death of handwriting might be upon us, as a screen-obsessed society texts, tweets, and Instagrams its way through every situation. Old writing tools? Drying up in the pen-itentiary.

Consumer & Gadgets Jun 8, 2017

Gadgets: Gifts for Dad—that he really wants

You think you really know what your dad wants for Fathers Day but really, you don't. Let me fill you in on what he really wants; you can't go wrong with any of these.

Consumer & Gadgets Jun 5, 2017

Apple's developer's conference may highlight artificial intelligence

With iPhone sales slowing and the last new Apple product released two years ago, expectations are building for what the company will reveal next week at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference.

Consumer & Gadgets May 25, 2017

Review: Three devices to talk on your phone while driving

Have you ever talked on your phone while driving your car?

Consumer & Gadgets May 25, 2017

Gadgets: Several decisions to be made before selecting new headphones

With the summer just about upon us, headphone season is in full force. If you're about to make a new purchase, don't get fooled with fancy marketing, colorful boxes or hype. Instead, consider these features when shopping ...

Energy & Green Tech May 22, 2017

Connecting solutions for grid resilience

Imagine Alexander Graham Bell's reaction if someone handed him an iPhone and told him that the device in his hand was the same as the large, cone-mounted transmitter he invented and used to call Thomas Watson in 1876.

Security May 21, 2017

Watch out in a world of connected objects, cyber specialists warn

The massive global cyber attack that wreaked havoc in computer systems earlier this month caused plenty of visible disruption, not least in Britain's National Health Service.

Security May 16, 2017

Cyber kid stuns experts showing toys can be 'weapons'

An 11-year-old "cyber ninja" stunned an audience of security experts Tuesday by hacking into their Bluetooth devices to manipulate a teddy bear and show how interconnected smart toys "can be weaponised".

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