Search results for histological studies

Plants & Animals Sep 23, 2016

Lipid receptor fosters infection of the uterus in dogs

In the female dog, cells of the uterus can accumulate lipid droplets to form so-called foamy epithelial cells during late metoestrus. These cells produce a hormone that is involved in the implantation of the embryo in the ...

Archaeology Sep 7, 2016

Life history of the 360-million-year-old tetrapod Acanthostega rewrites the tetrapod move on land

This week in the journal Nature, a team of researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden, the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in France and the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom shows that fossils ...

Ecology Jul 26, 2016

Researchers find a new marine invertebrate species in the Weddell Sea, in the Antarctica

The cold waters in Weddell, in the Antarctic ocean, are the site of the findings of a new marine invertebrate species –the nudibranchs Doto carinova— described in an article published in the journal PLOS ONE by an international ...

Materials Science Jun 15, 2016

Bioactive film improves how implants bond with bone in animal study

Researchers have developed a technique for coating polymer implants with a bioactive film that significantly increases bonding between the implant and surrounding bone in an animal model. The advance could significantly improve ...

Plants & Animals Jun 14, 2016

Rodent with a human-like menstrual cycle found

(—A team of researchers working at Monash University in Australia has found an example of a rodent that has a human-like menstrual cycle. As the team notes in their paper uploaded to the preprint server bioRxiv, ...

Archaeology May 20, 2016

Oldest actinopterygian from China provides new evidence for origin of ray-finned fishes

Osteichthyans, or bony fishes, comprise two categories, each containing over 32,000 living species: Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes and tetrapods) and Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes). Nevertheless, actinopterygians have ...

Plants & Animals Apr 29, 2016

Entomologists shed light on bizarre mating mechanisms of native twisted-winged parasites

Twisted-winged parasites of the species Stylops ovinae reproduce using so-called traumatic insemination. Entomologists of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Christian Albrechts University of Kiel published on ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 19, 2016

Endogenous oxidants: New methods for monitoring processes in the organism

Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have now developed two novel biological measuring systems that facilitate better analysis of disease-relevant changes in the oxidation state of cells. One of the methods ...

Archaeology Apr 5, 2016

Fossil discovery suggests size poor predictor of maturity in ancient reptiles

Paleontologists at Virginia Tech have found that muscle-scarred fossil leg bones of one of the closest cousins of dinosaurs that lived approximately 240 million years ago can shine new light on a large unknown: How early ...

Archaeology Apr 5, 2016

Live fast, die young: Life history of ancient mammal relatives provides insight on survival tactics

Two hundred and fifty-two million years ago, a series of Siberian volcanoes erupted and sent the Earth into the greatest mass extinction of all time. As a result of this mass extinction, known as the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction, ...

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