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Search results for Shuttle Discovery

Space Exploration Dec 8, 2016

All 'Original Seven' American astronauts now dead

John Glenn's passing on Thursday means that the first seven American astronauts chosen to lead the fledging US space program in 1959 are now dead, ending a groundbreaking chapter in American history.

Space Exploration Dec 8, 2016

John Glenn, the 1st American to orbit Earth, has died at 95

John Glenn, whose 1962 flight as the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth made him an all-American hero and propelled him to a long career in the U.S. Senate, died Thursday. The last survivor of the original Mercury 7 ...

Space Exploration Dec 8, 2016

All-American John Glenn: Astronaut, fighter pilot, senator

John Glenn was the ultimate all-American hero.

Cell & Microbiology Dec 1, 2016

Neural stem cells serve as RNA highways too

Duke University scientists have caught the first glimpse of molecules shuttling along a sort of highway running the length of neural stem cells, which are crucial to the development of new neurons.

Optics & Photonics Nov 9, 2016

Engineers develop invisibility cloak for high-tech processing chips

From Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility to the Romulan cloaking device that rendered their warship invisible in "Star Trek," the magic of invisibility was only the product of science fiction writers and dreamers.

Space Exploration Nov 7, 2016

Realistic solar corona loops simulated in lab

Caltech applied physicists have experimentally simulated the sun's magnetic fields to create a realistic coronal loop in a lab.

Biochemistry Oct 27, 2016

Supercomputing the p53 protein as a promising anticancer therapy

Even though it's almost impossible to see, computational biophysicist Rommie Amaro is using the Stampede supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center at The University of Texas at Austin to model the largest atomic ...

Energy & Green Tech Oct 20, 2016

Blood molecule key to more efficient batteries

A molecule that transports oxygen in blood could be key to developing the next generation of batteries, and in a way that's environmentally friendly.

Condensed Matter Oct 11, 2016

Researchers find order in a process previously assumed to be random

Scientific discoveries often arise from noticing the unexpected. Such was the case when Stanford researchers, studying a tiny device that has become increasingly important in disease diagnostics and drug discovery, observed ...

Space Exploration Sep 30, 2016

SpaceX's Elon Musk turns to science fiction for Mars ship

If SpaceX founder Elon Musk's plan to establish a city on Mars sounds like science fiction, then consider the name of his first passenger ship.

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