See also stories tagged with Metamaterial

Search results for metamaterials

Materials Science Dec 13, 2021

A computer made of floppy rubber

A piece of corrugated rubber can function as a simple computer, displaying memory and displaying the ability to count to two. Physicists at Leiden University and the AMOLF research institute in Amsterdam researching mechanical ...

General Physics Dec 7, 2021

Physicists discover special transverse sound wave

Can you imagine sound traveling in the same way as light does? A research team at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has discovered a new type of sound wave: The airborne sound wave vibrates transversely and carries both ...

General Physics Nov 23, 2021

Origami, kirigami inspire mechanical metamaterials designs

The ancient arts of origami, the art of paper-folding, and kirigami, the art of paper-cutting, have gained popularity in recent years among researchers building mechanical metamaterials. Folding and cutting 2D thin-film materials ...

Condensed Matter Nov 2, 2021

Creating an artificial material that can sense, adapt to its environment

Move over, Hollywood—science fiction is getting ready to leap off the big screen and enter the real world. While recent science fiction movies have demonstrated the power of artificially intelligent computer programs, such ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 29, 2021

A strategy that could enable control over the coherence properties of light emitted by lasers

Over the past few years, physicists and engineers worldwide have developed a growing number of advanced optical technologies and photonic devices, which can be used to emit, detect or manipulate light. The ability to easily ...

Nanomaterials Oct 22, 2021

Chemists discover mechanism in controlled growth of tetrahedron-shaped nanoparticles

Nature clearly likes symmetry. Look at your own hands, for example. But sometimes nature produces asymmetric things, and the reasons aren't always clear.

Quantum Physics Oct 22, 2021

Skyrmions can fly!

Topology in optics and photonics has been a hot topic since 1890 where singularities in electromagnetic fields have been considered. The recent award of the Nobel prize for topology developments in condensed matter physics ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 21, 2021

Three-dimensionally oriented orbital angular momentum of light

Recently, National Science Review published online the research results on three-dimensionally oriented orbital angular momentum of light from Professor Qiwen Zhan's team at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.

Optics & Photonics Oct 11, 2021

Quantum circuit black hole lasers to explore Hawking radiation

The fundamental forces of physics govern the matter comprising the universe, yet exactly how these forces work together is still not fully understood. The existence of Hawking radiation—the particle emission from near black ...

Plants & Animals Sep 21, 2021

Moths use acoustic decoys to dodge bat attacks

In dark skies around the world there unfolds a nightly battle between bats and the nocturnal insects upon which they feast. You'd have thought bats, equipped as they are with echolocation, in which they navigate using sound, ...

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