Search results for solar cycle 25

Earth Sciences Jan 18, 2017

Green Sahara's ancient rainfall regime revealed

Rainfall patterns in the Sahara during the 6,000-year "Green Sahara" period have been pinpointed by analyzing marine sediments, according to new research.

Earth Sciences Dec 19, 2016

Satellites observe 'traffic jams' in Antarctic Ice Stream caused by tides

For the first time, researchers have closely observed how the ocean's tides can speed up or slow down the speed of glacial movement in Antarctica. The new data will help modelers better predict how glaciers will respond to ...

Earth Sciences Dec 12, 2016

Ice ages have been linked to the Earth's wobbly orbit—but when is the next one?

Over the last two and a half million years the Earth has undergone more than 50 major ice ages, each having a profound effect on our planet's climate. But what causes them and how do we predict when the next big ice age will ...

Space Exploration Nov 30, 2016

Modeling offers new perspective on how Pluto's 'icy heart' came to be

Pluto's "icy heart" is a bright, two-lobed feature on its surface that has attracted researchers ever since its discovery by the NASA New Horizons team in 2015. Of particular interest is the heart's western lobe, informally ...

Astronomy Nov 11, 2016

Discovery of a nearby super-Earth with only five times our mass

Red dwarf stars have proven to be a treasure trove for exoplanet hunters in recent years. In addition to multiple exoplanets candidates being detected around stars like TRAPPIST-1, Gliese 581, Gliese 667C, and Kepler 296, ...

Astronomy Aug 26, 2016

Spitzer Space Telescope begins 'Beyond' phase

Celebrating the spacecraft's ability to push the boundaries of space science and technology, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope team has dubbed the next phase of its journey "Beyond."

Earth Sciences Aug 25, 2016

Solar activity has a direct impact on Earth's cloud cover

A team of scientists from the National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space) and the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has linked large solar eruptions to changes ...

Energy & Green Tech Aug 9, 2016

Study addresses the connection between technology development and emissions-reduction policies

In December 2015, much of the world celebrated when 195 nations plus the European Union reached an agreement to address climate change and pledged to meet nationally determined emissions-reduction targets at the United Nations ...

Space Exploration Jul 15, 2016

New Horizons scientist on what we've learned so far from New Horizons

One year ago Richard Binzel, a New Horizons mission co-investigator and a professor in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), was sitting in Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory ...

Space Exploration May 17, 2016

Europa's ocean may have an Earthlike chemical balance

The ocean of Jupiter's moon Europa could have the necessary balance of chemical energy for life, even if the moon lacks volcanic hydrothermal activity, finds a new study.

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