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Search results for Bluetooth

Consumer & Gadgets Sep 28, 2017

Gadgets: Nothing to sneeze at! Desktop device monitors indoor air quality.

I recently tested the Awair, Air Quality Monitor, which tracks the five key factors of air quality including chemicals such as volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, dust, humidity, and temperature. A lot of the chemicals ...

Analytical Chemistry Sep 28, 2017

Speedy urine test for amphetamines sends results via app

Researchers in Korea have developed a wireless sensor and a smartphone app that can detect the presence of speed in a drop of human urine in seconds. The prototype device is also portable enough to be worn as a bracelet, ...

Engineering Sep 28, 2017

Biodegradable microsensors for food monitoring

A new generation of microsensors could provide the vital link between food products and the Internet of Things. ETH researchers have developed an ultra-thin temperature sensor that is both biocompatible and biodegradable.

Consumer & Gadgets Sep 21, 2017

Review: Samsung's Galaxy Note 8 is the phone Note 7 users have been waiting for

We interrupt the iPhone mania of late to remind you there are other flagship phones on the market, including the much-anticipated Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Consumer & Gadgets Sep 15, 2017

Coffee technology: How to brew like a barista at home, using the latest gear

In this age of high-end coffee, every trip to the cafe is a theater experience. We watch the barista measure out the coffee on a digital scale and check the temperature of the water. We stare as the rivulet of steaming water ...

Security Sep 4, 2017

Three reasons why pacemakers are vulnerable to hacking

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently recalled approximately 465,000 pacemakers made by the company Abbott's (formerly St. Jude Medical) that were vulnerable to hacking, but the situation points to an ongoing ...

Consumer & Gadgets Aug 24, 2017

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 first look: Sharp phone with few surprises

Samsung wants to give customers another reason to love the Note.

Consumer & Gadgets Aug 24, 2017

Gadgets: System improves sleeping environment

The Nightingale smart home sleep system is designed to give you a better night of sleep by creating an optimal sleep environment. These are designed to create sound blankets which mask noises that keep you awake at night, ...

Hi Tech & Innovation Aug 23, 2017

Here's how we can stop driverless cars from being hacked

Once hackers get into your internet-connected car, they could disable the air bags, brakes, door locks and even steal the vehicle. That's the finding of researchers who recently uncovered a flaw in the way the different components ...

Security Aug 22, 2017

Car industry needs cybersecurity rules to deal with the hacking threat

It's common to hear modern cars referred to as computers on wheels. They boast sensors that measure fuel and braking, along with built-in navigation and infotainment systems. These digital systems could be hacked and Australia ...

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