See also stories tagged with Ophthalmology

Search results for ophthalmology

Plants & Animals Jan 31, 2014

Technique is safer, faster way to diagnose horse eye problems

( —Horses face high risks of developing eye problems, and Cornell clinicians have developed a new way to detect and diagnose them more safely and quickly than before. Published online in January in the journal ...

Optics & Photonics Dec 20, 2013

Early detection of blinding eye disease could be as easy as scanning a barcode

A new optical device puts the power to detect eye disease in the palm of a hand. The tool—about the size of a hand-held video camera—scans a patient's entire retina in seconds and could aid primary care physicians in ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 21, 2013

Hitchhiking virus confirms saga of ancient human migration

A study of the full genetic code of a common human virus offers a dramatic confirmation of the "out-of-Africa" pattern of human migration, which had previously been documented by anthropologists and studies of the human genome.

Other Oct 14, 2013

Lab evaluates safety impacts of advanced car headlight systems

Crash risks while driving at night are higher than during the daytime, but most roadways in the U.S. do not have roadway lighting. In fact, many state and local governments find it difficult to pay for installing, operating ...

Optics & Photonics Sep 18, 2013

Lens combines human and insect vision to focus wide-angle views

A lens invented at The Ohio State University combines the focusing ability of a human eye with the wide-angle view of an insect eye to capture images with depth.

Biotechnology Aug 30, 2013

A novel locus identified for glaucoma in Dandie Dinmont Terrier dog breed

Professor Hannes Lohi's research group at the University of Helsinki and Folkhälsan Research Center, Finland, has identified a novel locus for glaucoma in Dandie Dinmont Terrier. The locus on canine chromosome 8 includes ...

Engineering Apr 23, 2013

Engineer plans to use century-old automotive manufacturing technique to enhance performance of novel medical devices

While automotive and medical device manufacturing may seemingly have little in common, the latter has long benefited from advancements in the former. For example, manufacturing techniques originally developed for increasing ...

Other Apr 5, 2013

A look at the hazards of green laser pointers

Those handheld green lasers pointers may not be as harmless as you thought.

Cell & Microbiology Mar 28, 2013

Opposites attract: How cells and cell fragments move in electric fields (w/ video)

Like tiny crawling compass needles, whole living cells and cell fragments orient and move in response to electric fields—but in opposite directions, scientists at the University of California, Davis, have found. Their results, ...

Plants & Animals Sep 13, 2012

Fruit flies reveal surprising new evolutionary link for studying human health

New research reveals that fruit flies and mammals may share a surprising evolutionary link in how they control body temperature through circadian rhythm, unlocking new ways to study the insects as models of human development ...

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