Search results for fingerprint

Analytical Chemistry Nov 28, 2022

Math approach may make drug discovery more effective, efficient

Researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas and Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. have devised a computer-based platform for drug discovery that could make the process more effective, more efficient and less costly.

Plants & Animals Nov 9, 2022

Molecular fingerprint behind beautiful pearls revealed

Pearl oysters are an important aquaculture animal in Japan, as they produce the beautiful pearls that are sought after for necklaces, earrings, and rings. In the early 1990s, this aquaculture industry was bringing in around ...

Analytical Chemistry Oct 20, 2022

An entirely new illicit drug has been discovered by Australian chemists. Here's how they did it

Imagine, if you will, a small plastic baggy containing a mixture of crystals and powder.

Environment Oct 17, 2022

Cleaner wastewater makes for healthier rivers

Have you ever thought about where your waste goes? For people living in cities, it goes to a treatment plant. However, treated wastewater ultimately finds its way into a local waterway. This means it could end up in your ...

Planetary Sciences Oct 12, 2022

NASA dust detective delivers first maps from space for climate science

NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) mission aboard the International Space Station has produced its first mineral maps, providing detailed images that show the composition of the surface in regions ...

Astronomy Oct 12, 2022

Star duo forms 'fingerprint' in space, NASA's Webb finds

A new image from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope reveals a remarkable cosmic sight: at least 17 concentric dust rings emanating from a pair of stars. Located just over 5,000 light-years from Earth, the duo is collectively ...

Earth Sciences Sep 29, 2022

Researchers detect the first definitive proof of elusive sea level fingerprints

When ice sheets melt, something strange and highly counterintuitive happens to sea levels.

Earth Sciences Sep 29, 2022

Observations confirm model predictions of sea-level change from Greenland melt

Rising sea levels from melting glaciers and ice sheets pose an increasing threat to coastal communities worldwide. A new analysis of high-resolution satellite observations takes a major step forward in assessing this risk ...

Earth Sciences Sep 27, 2022

Researchers identify African dust by measuring isotopes

Every summer, weather forecasters blast news about African dust plumes crossing the southern United States. And to most people, it's just dust, but to researchers at Texas A&M University, it's much more.

Evolution Sep 22, 2022

Old genes keep sea anemones forever young

The genetic fingerprint of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis shows that the members of this evolutionarily very old animal phylum use the same gene cascades for the differentiation of neuronal cell types as more complex ...

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