Search results for zeolite

Optics & Photonics Aug 24, 2020

A light touch for membrane selectivity

Membranes that change their pore size in response to external stimuli, such as pH, heat and light, are set to transform separation science and technology. Such smart membranes developed by KAUST researchers display tunable ...

Nanomaterials Aug 13, 2020

Researchers discover new phase of nanoconfined water

Researchers at MIPT Laboratory of Terahertz Spectroscopy together with their Russian and international colleagues discovered a new phase of nanoconfined water; separate water molecules that are confined within nanocavities ...

Materials Science Aug 10, 2020

Breaking molecular traffic jams with finned nanoporous materials

Thousands of chemical processes used by the energy industry and for other applications rely on the high speed of catalytic reactions, but molecules frequently are hindered by molecular traffic jams that slow them down. Now ...

Materials Science Jul 31, 2020

Nano-sponges of solid acid transform carbon dioxide to fuel and plastic waste to chemicals

The primary cause of climate change is atmospheric CO2, and levels are rising every day. There is, therefore, a great need to find ways to reduce CO2 levels. On other hand, an excessive amount of plastic waste has become ...

Materials Science Jun 18, 2020

Efficient indium oxide catalysts designed for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol

Catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide (CO2) is a green and sustainable means of synthesizing commodity chemicals such as methanol. This conversion process is key to realizing the 'methanol economy' or creating 'liquid ...

Materials Science Jun 9, 2020

Controlling the zeolite pore interior for chemo-selective alkyne/olefin separations

Organic chemists aim to separate alkenes such as ethylene and propene from alkynes before converting them into polymers. The technique has several drawbacks including hydrogenation of alkynes to produce unwanted alkanes, ...

Materials Science Apr 21, 2020

Scientists find bisulphates that curb efficacy of diesel engine catalysts

A team of researchers from Yale-NUS College, in collaboration with scientists in Sweden, has found that bisulphate species in the exhaust stream are strongly connected to decreasing the effectiveness of exhaust remediation ...

Materials Science Mar 20, 2020

Researchers develop hollow ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst with low silicon to aluminum ratio

ZSM-5 zeolite plays a vital role in petroleum cracking and refining of petrochemical products due to its microporous structure (0.51-0.56 nm) and tunable solid acid characteristics. Since zeolite micropores limit the mass ...

Nanomaterials Mar 3, 2020

Atomic-scale imaging reveals secret to thin film strength

An international team of scientists and engineers, led by University of Minnesota Associate Professor K. Andre Mkhoyan and Professor Emeritus Michael Tsapatsis (currently, a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor at Johns Hopkins ...

Materials Science Feb 14, 2020

Chemical process breaks down lignin and turns birch wood into usable chemical products

A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in Belgium has developed a chemical process that breaks down lignin and turns birch wood into usable chemical products. In their paper published in the journal Science, ...

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