Search results for animation

Environment Jul 4, 2024

Norway could lead the fight against plastic pollution

Norway's coastline is littered with plastics from around the world. Plastic pollution is a global problem, but Norway can be a role model in putting an end to it.

Plants & Animals Jul 4, 2024

Whale had fishing lines 'embedded' into body: Rescue took multiple days

A whale entangled in fishing gear was recently cut free by rescuers during a multiday operation off the coast of South Africa, video footage shows.

Plants & Animals Jul 4, 2024

Sparrows as sentinels: Health study illustrates the interconnectedness of humans and wildlife

Why should a medical student develop an interest in conservation? According to a growing body of evidence, including a recent study co-authored by William & Mary biologist John Swaddle, the seemingly separate fields of health ...

Plants & Animals Jul 4, 2024

Exploring the casque anatomy of aerial jousting helmeted hornbills

New research reveals how the surprising internal anatomy of the helmeted hornbill's casque allows it to withstand damage during aerial jousting battles with rivals. Researchers hope that this new understanding can help to ...

Nanomaterials Jul 4, 2024

A new blue: Mysterious origin of the ribbontail ray's electric blue spots revealed

Researchers have discovered the unique nanostructures responsible for the electric blue spots of the bluespotted ribbontail ray (Taeniura lymma), with possible applications for developing chemical-free coloration. The team ...

Plants & Animals Jul 3, 2024

Yes, some animals can have babies without a mate. Here's how

A boa constrictor in the U.K. gave birth to 14 babies—without a mate.

Ecology Jul 3, 2024

How studying bat viruses can help prevent zoonotic disease

Bats have become the poster child of emerging zoonotic disease. The creatures harbor a vast array of viruses—some of which cause deadly diseases in humans—yet they rarely get sick themselves.

Ecology Jul 3, 2024

To save spotted owls, US officials plan to kill hundreds of thousands of another owl species

To save the imperiled spotted owl from potential extinction, U.S. wildlife officials are embracing a contentious plan to deploy trained shooters into dense West Coast forests to kill almost a half-million barred owls that ...

Plants & Animals Jul 3, 2024

Whale sharks given a health check with ultrasound imaging technique

An international team of researchers has discovered a new method of imaging free-swimming whale sharks using underwater ultrasound.

Archaeology Jul 3, 2024

A 4,500-year-old collective tomb in France reveals final stage in formation of the 'European genome'

High-resolution analysis of the genomes of individuals buried in a 4,500-year-old collective tomb at Bréviandes-les-Pointes, near the French town of Troyes, has revealed a surprising story with far-reaching implications. ...

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