Search results for solar cycle 25

Space Exploration May 25, 2017

First Juno science results supported by University of Leicester's Jupiter 'forecast'

New observations about the extreme conditions of Jupiter's weather and magnetic fields by University of Leicester astronomers have contributed to the revelations and insights coming from the first close passes of Jupiter ...

Consumer & Gadgets May 10, 2017

Review: Goal Zero Yeti gives you hours of power with zero emissions

Be prepared. That's a good motto. Just ask the Boy Scouts of America.

Environment May 8, 2017

The glaciers are going

As can be seen above, the Waggonwaybreen glacier in Svalbard, Norway, has retreated substantially since 1900. Svalbard's glaciers are not only retreating, they are also losing about two feet of their thickness each year. ...

Environment Apr 13, 2017

Next 10 years critical for achieving climate change goals

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can be reduce in two ways—by cutting our emissions, or by removing it from the atmosphere, for example through plants, the ocean, and soil.

Energy & Green Tech Mar 22, 2017

The 'time machine' that replicates three years of weather in three days

Climate change is wreaking havoc on the environment. While the main culprit is carbon emissions, urban heat islands—exacerbated by dark roofs and pavements—make the effect of global warming even worse on the urban dwellers.

Space Exploration Mar 10, 2017

NASA Mars orbiter tracks back-to-back regional storms

A regional dust storm currently swelling on Mars follows unusually closely on one that blossomed less than two weeks earlier and is now dissipating, as seen in daily global weather monitoring by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance ...

Earth Sciences Feb 8, 2017

Random radiation clouds found in atmosphere at flight altitudes

(—A large team of researchers with members from several institutions in the U.S., Korea, and the U.K. has found evidence of random radiation clouds in the Earth's atmosphere at elevations used by aircraft. In their ...

Space Exploration Jan 30, 2017

A proposal for Juno to observe the volcanoes of Io

Jupiter may be the largest planet in the solar system with a diameter 11 times that of Earth, but it pales in comparison to its own magnetosphere. The planet's magnetic domain extends sunward at least 3 million miles (5 million ...

Environment Jan 30, 2017

Carbon dioxide isn't the only GHG that matters; gases vary widely in potency and duration

When hearing the words "greenhouse gas," most people think immediately of carbon dioxide. This is indeed the greenhouse gas that is currently producing the greatest impact on the Earth's rapidly changing climate. But it is ...

Earth Sciences Jan 26, 2017

Earth's orbital variations and sea ice synch glacial periods

Earth is currently in what climatologists call an interglacial period, a warm pulse between long, cold ice ages when glaciers dominate our planet's higher latitudes. For the past million years, these glacial-interglacial ...

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