Search results for intellectual power

Biotechnology Jan 23, 2020

Unveiling the biggest and most detailed map of the fly brain yet

Janelia and Google scientists have constructed the most complete map of the fly brain ever created, pinpointing millions of connections between 25,000 neurons. Now, a wiring diagram of the entire brain is within reach.

Political science Jan 21, 2020

Why is climate skepticism so successful in the United States?

2019 is set to be the second warmest year on record, ending the warmest decade on record, another reminder that climate change is the defining issue of our time.

Social Sciences Jan 3, 2020

Why more couples are choosing to live apart

For many couples, moving in together signifies a big step in the relationship. Traditionally, this meant marriage, although nowadays most cohabit before getting married, or splitting up. But there is a third choice: living ...

Evolution Dec 16, 2019

Conspiracy theories: How belief is rooted in evolution, not ignorance

Despite creative efforts to tackle it, belief in conspiracy theories, alternative facts and fake news show no sign of abating. This is clearly a huge problem, as seen when it comes to climate change, vaccines and expertise ...

Environment Nov 18, 2019

Humans light 85 percent of bushfires, and we do virtually nothing to stop it

It's hard to comprehend why someone would deliberately light a bushfire. Yet this behavior regularly occurs in Australia and other countries. We would go a long way to preventing bushfires if we better understood this troubling ...

Other Nov 11, 2019

Stand-up scientists use comedy to reach beyond the ivory tower

By day, Kasha Patel works at NASA writing content for its website, but she spends her nights communicating scientific discovery through an altogether different medium: stand-up comedy.

Nanomaterials Nov 8, 2019

Self-assembled microspheres of silica to cool surfaces without energy consumption

Researchers from the ICN2 and the ICMM-CSIC have developed a new material able to cool another one by emitting infrared radiation. The results are published in Small and are expected to be used in devices where an increase ...

Evolution Oct 22, 2019

What is sex really for?

Few topics arouse as much interest and controversy as sex. This is hardly surprising. The biological continuance of the species hinges on it—if human beings stopped having sex, there would soon be no more human beings. ...

Political science Oct 16, 2019

Both conservatives and liberals can agree on action on climate change

We tend to assume that democracies, over the long arc of history, work towards progress and justice. But with an issue like climate change, we're running out of time.

Economics & Business Oct 10, 2019

The rise, fall and rise again of businesses serving more than just their shareholders

What's the purpose of a business? For a long time, the textbook answer to that question has been purely "to make as much money as possible for its shareholders." But business leaders—who often themselves get huge payouts ...

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