Search results for thermodynamic limit

General Physics Jun 24, 2021

Physicists use electric fields to induce oscillations in tiny particles

A challenging frontier in science and engineering is controlling matter outside of thermodynamic equilibrium to build material systems with capabilities that rival those of living organisms. Research on active colloids aims ...

Materials Science Jun 22, 2021

An ally for alloys: AI helps design high-performance steels

Machine learning techniques have contributed to progress in science and technology fields ranging from health care to high-energy physics. Now, machine learning is poised to help accelerate the development of stronger alloys, ...

Quantum Physics Jun 17, 2021

Giant quantum tornados in a hybrid light-matter system give insight into complex physical phenomena

Researchers from Skoltech and their colleagues from the UK have managed to create a stable giant vortex in interacting polariton condensates, addressing a known challenge in quantized fluid dynamics. The findings open possibilities ...

Environment Jun 14, 2021

Durable goods drive two-thirds of global households' final energy footprints

Everyone knows that disposable products are bad for the environment. But are durable goods that much better?

Materials Science May 27, 2021

Comprehensive electronic-structure methods for materials design

Nicola Marzari, head of the Theory and Simulation of Materials laboratory at EFPL and director of NCCR MARVEL, has just published a review of electronic-structure methods as part of a special edition Insight on Computational ...

Molecular & Computational biology May 20, 2021

Technique uses fluctuations in video pixels to measure energy use of developing embryos

Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the study of embryonic development and how it can be impacted by external factors such as climate change.

Materials Science May 17, 2021

The perfect blend: Optimizing gas mixtures for hydrogen storage in clathrate hydrates

In our ongoing quest to transform into a more eco-friendly society, hydrogen (H2) is heralded as the clean fuel of tomorrow. Because H2 can be produced from water (H2O) without generating carbon emissions, developing H2-compatible ...

Environment May 14, 2021

Fibre-optics used to take the temperature of Greenland Ice Sheet

Scientists have used fibre-optic sensing to obtain the most detailed measurements of ice properties ever taken on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Their findings will be used to make more accurate models of the future movement of ...

Nanomaterials May 14, 2021

Emergence of a new heteronanostructure library

Organizing functional objects in a complex, sophisticated architecture at the nanoscale can yield hybrid materials that tremendously outperform their solo objects, offering exciting routes towards a spectrum of applications. ...

General Physics May 13, 2021

Current trend reversed: Scientists investigate the Seebeck effect in electric current

When a piece of conducting material is heated up at one of its ends, a voltage difference can build up across the sample, which in turn can be converted into a current. This is the so-called Seebeck effect, the cornerstone ...

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