Search results for robotics

Robotics Aug 28, 2015

Robot wars: Giant robot gears up to battle Japanese rival

The hulking, 15-foot-tall robot rests on its tank treads in a West Oakland warehouse, waiting for the coming war against its powerful nemesis across the sea.

Robotics Apr 3, 2015

Octopus-inspired robot—–the fastest underwater robot based on the given power

Scientists in Singapore have developed a new octopus-inspired robot which can zip through water 10 times its body length within one second, in an ultra-efficient manner. This first-ever ultra-fast propulsion and super-manoeuvrability ...

Robotics Sep 19, 2014

Soft robotics 'toolkit' features everything a robot-maker needs

A new resource unveiled today by researchers from several Harvard University labs in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin provides both experienced and aspiring researchers with the intellectual raw materials needed ...

Robotics Aug 15, 2014

Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics supplemented for 21st century care robots

Isaac Asimov famously devised three laws of robotics that underpinned a number of his science fiction books and short stories, Professor Tom Sorell of the University of Warwick has helped develop a new set of rules that they ...

Robotics May 29, 2014

Think fast, robot: Algorithm that harnesses data from new sensor could make autonomous robots more nimble

One of the reasons we don't yet have self-driving cars and mini-helicopters delivering online purchases is that autonomous vehicles tend not to perform well under pressure. A system that can flawlessly parallel park at 5 ...

Robotics Jan 13, 2014

Robots learn from each other on 'Wiki for robots'

Now it's not just people – robots are also connected by internet thanks to RoboEarth. Next week, after four years of research, scientists at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Philips and four other European universities ...

Robotics Dec 19, 2013

Sandia to demonstrate robotics capabilities at 2013 DARPA Robotics Challenge Expo

Sandia's robotics program has been working closely with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) over the years to develop and deliver robots with the potential to save lives. Such technology keeps humans away ...

Computer Sciences Oct 7, 2013

Better robot vision: Neglected statistical tool could help robots better understand the objects in the world around them

Object recognition is one of the most widely studied problems in computer vision. But a robot that manipulates objects in the world needs to do more than just recognize them; it also needs to understand their orientation. ...

Robotics Jun 26, 2013

Team creates realistic Robot Carp, first robot fish with autonomous 3-D movement in Asia

A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore's (NUS) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering has developed a robot fish that mimics the movements of a carp. This robot which is essentially an autonomous ...

Robotics Apr 23, 2013

Humans feel empathy for robots: fMRI scans show similar brain function when robots are treated the same as humans

From the T-101 to Data from Star Trek, humans have been presented with the fictional dilemma of how we empathize with robots. Robots now infiltrate our lives, toys like Furbies or robot vacuum cleaners bring us closer, but ...

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