Search results for quantum entanglement

Optics & Photonics May 25, 2014

Advanced light: Sending entangled beams through fast-light materials

Michael Lewis's bestselling book "Flash Boys" describes how some brokers, engaging in high frequency trading, exploit fast telecommunications to gain fraction-of-a-second advantage in the buying and selling of stocks. But ...

Quantum Physics Apr 23, 2012

Quantum physics mimics spooky action into the past

Physicists of the group of Prof. Anton Zeilinger at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), the University of Vienna, and the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) have, for the ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 20, 2024

Using polarization to improve quantum imaging

Quantum imaging is a growing field that takes advantage of the counterintuitive and "spooky" ability of light particles, or photons, to become linked, or entangled, under specialized circumstances. If the state of one photon ...

Optics & Photonics Dec 16, 2021

A quantum view of 'combs' of light

Unlike the jumble of frequencies produced by the light that surrounds us in daily life, each frequency of light in a specialized light source known as a "soliton" frequency comb oscillates in unison, generating solitary pulses ...

Quantum Physics Dec 5, 2016

'Spooky' sightings in crystal point to extremely rare quantum spin liquid

Inside a new exotic crystal, physicist Martin Mourigal has observed strong indications of "spooky" action, and lots of it. The results of his experiments, if corroborated over time, would mean that the type of crystal is ...

Condensed Matter Sep 28, 2023

Quantum repeaters use defects in diamond to interconnect quantum systems

The popular children's game of telephone is based on a simple premise: The starting player whispers a message into the ear of the next player. That second player then passes along the message to the third person and so on ...

Quantum Physics Apr 29, 2020

Quantum autoencoders to denoise quantum measurements

Many research groups worldwide are currently trying to develop instruments to collect high-precision measurements, such as atomic clocks or gravimeters. Some of these researchers have tried to achieve this using entangled ...

Quantum Physics Feb 15, 2016

Researchers develop error correction method for quantum computing based on Majorana fermions

Theoretical physicists at MIT recently reported a quantum computer design featuring an array of superconducting islands on the surface of a topological insulator. They propose basing both quantum computation and error correction ...

Quantum Physics Jul 15, 2014

Particle, meet wave: Optical qubit technique squeezes photons to bridge discrete and continuous quantum regimes

( —While quantum states are typically referred to as particles or waves, this is not actually the case. Rather, quantum states have complementary discrete particlelike and continuous wavelike properties that emerge ...

Quantum Physics Oct 12, 2023

A new way to erase quantum computer errors

Quantum computers of the future hold promise in solving all sorts of problems. For example, they could lead to more sustainable materials and new medicines, and even crack the hardest problems in fundamental physics. But ...

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