Search results for diamond

Soft Matter Jan 23, 2023

Evidence of new mesoatom shapes and symmetries that occur in a special twin boundary in soft matter

New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows direct 3D experimental evidence of new mesoatom shapes and symmetries that occur in a special twin boundary in soft matter.

Earth Sciences Jan 10, 2023

'Superdeep' diamond deepens our understanding of plate tectonics

A unique combination of minerals trapped inside a "superdeep" diamond that originated hundreds of kilometers beneath Earth's surface sheds new light on plate tectonics, the geological processes that give rise to mountains, ...

General Physics Dec 23, 2022

New technique reveals changing shapes of magnetic noise in space and time

Electromagnetic noise poses a major problem for communications, prompting wireless carriers to invest heavily in technologies to overcome it. But for a team of scientists exploring the atomic realm, measuring tiny fluctuations ...

Astronomy Dec 19, 2022

Ancient asteroid grains provide insight into the evolution of our solar system

The U.K.'s national synchrotron facility, Diamond Light Source, was used by a large, international collaboration to study grains collected from a near-Earth asteroid to further our understanding of the evolution of our solar ...

Quantum Physics Dec 19, 2022

A diamond-based quantum amplifier

In physics, weak microwave signals can be amplified with minimal added noise. For instance, artificial quantum systems based on superconducting circuits can amplify and detect single microwave patterns, although at millikelvin ...

Astronomy Dec 14, 2022

Webb glimpses field of extragalactic PEARLS, studded with galactic diamonds

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured one of the first medium-deep wide-field images of the cosmos, featuring a region of the sky known as the North Ecliptic Pole. The image, which accompanies a paper published in ...

Analytical Chemistry Dec 8, 2022

Solving the puzzle: Cubic silicon carbide wafer demonstrates high thermal conductivity, second only to diamond

A team of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Material Science and Engineering researchers have solved a long-standing puzzle about lower measured thermal conductivity values of cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) bulk crystals ...

Quantum Physics Nov 29, 2022

Searching for new particles using quantum sensors

In a recent study published in the journal National Science Review, a laboratory search for exotic spin-dependent interactions was conducted with an ensemble-NV-diamond magnetometer. New experimental constraints on two types ...

Analytical Chemistry Nov 29, 2022

From biomass to functional crystalline diamond nanothread

New research from a team of scientists led by Drs. Kuo Li and Haiyan Zheng from the Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR) reported the first synthesis of a three-dimensional crystalline ...

Earth Sciences Nov 29, 2022

Making diamonds is linked to various exotic rocks, study finds

Almost all volcanic rocks come from the Earth's upper mantle (or lava).

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