Search results for solar cycle 25

Materials Science Jun 8, 2018

In desert trials, next-generation water harvester delivers fresh water from air

Last October, a University of California, Berkeley, team headed down to the Arizona desert, plopped their newest prototype water harvester into the backyard of a tract home and started sucking water out of the air without ...

Astronomy Jun 7, 2018

Chandra scouts nearest star system for possible hazards

In humanity's search for life outside our Solar System, one of the best places scientists have considered is Alpha Centauri, a system containing the three nearest stars beyond our Sun.

Space Exploration May 8, 2018

ESA selects three new mission concepts for study

A high-energy survey of the early Universe, an infrared observatory to study the formation of stars, planets and galaxies, and a Venus orbiter are to be considered for ESA's fifth medium class mission in its Cosmic Vision ...

Energy & Green Tech May 1, 2018

How to make solar hydrogen year round

Researchers have built a new dynamic model showing how hydrogen produced with concentrated solar thermal energy can be made more continuously through a novel seasonal control strategy with ceria (CeO2) particles buffering ...

Energy & Green Tech Apr 24, 2018

Will electric vehicles take over the world?

As more people and goods move around the planet, our cars, planes, trains, and ships are having a growing impact on the climate. Transportation now generates almost a quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, and in ...

Space Exploration Mar 28, 2018

Tiangong-1 crash—why it's so hard to predict where space debris will land and what can be done about it

The now defunct Chinese space station Tiangong-1 is en route to crash into Earth – completing its "atmospheric reentry phase". While experts have been aware that this would happen for more than a year, there has been huge ...

Space Exploration Mar 15, 2018

Dawn reveals recent changes in Ceres' surface

Observations of Ceres have detected recent variations in its surface, revealing that the only dwarf planet in the inner solar system is a dynamic body that continues to evolve and change.

Space Exploration Feb 7, 2018

Reduced energy from the sun might occur by mid-century—now, scientists know by how much

The sun might emit less radiation by mid-century, giving planet Earth a chance to warm a bit more slowly but not halt the trend of human-induced climate change.

Earth Sciences Jan 26, 2018

New study reveals how icy surface ponds on Himalayan glaciers influence water flow

The flow of water that supports hydro-electric and irrigation infrastructure in the mountain regions of Nepal and India is regulated by hundreds of large icy ponds on the surface of some of the world's highest glaciers, scientists ...

Energy & Green Tech Jan 2, 2018

Standardizing perovskite aging measurements

Perovskite solar cells are an alternative to conventional silicon solar cells, and are poised to overtake the market with their high power-conversion efficiencies (over 22% now) and lower capital expenditure and manufacturing ...

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