Search results for cardiac engineering

Biotechnology Aug 17, 2016

Stay out, stray stem cells

Despite the hubbub about pluripotent stem cells' potential applications, when it comes time to introduce products into patients, the stem cells are actually impurities that need to be removed.

Cell & Microbiology Jan 25, 2016

Team develops targeted photosensitizer for cell manipulation

Researchers led by Carnegie Mellon University's Molecular and Biosensor Imaging Center (MBIC) Director Marcel Bruchez have re-engineered a fluorescent probe into a powerful optogenetic photosensitizer that can be used to ...

Engineering Nov 4, 2013

Intelligent training with a fitness shirt and an E-bike

Fabric manufacturers are experiencing a revolution: If clothing previously offered protection against the cold, rain, and snow, the trend now is toward intelligent, proactive, high-tech textiles like self-cleaning jackets, ...

Biotechnology Mar 2, 2010

Using own skin cells to repair hearts on horizon

A heart patient's own skin cells soon could be used to repair damaged cardiac tissue thanks to pioneering stem cell research of the University of Houston's newest biomedical scientist, Robert Schwartz.

Analytical Chemistry Jun 24, 2016

Analyzing the breath of critically ill children at warp speed

In a dimly lit room, next to a supersonic jet engine test rig, three Stanford engineering graduate students sat around a whiskey bottle.

Engineering May 27, 2014

Medical mechanics: Teaching medical device design in cultural context

Removing a malignant tumor from the head of the pancreas is a risky and demanding operation. The surgeon must carefully navigate around the stomach, the gallbladder, the bile duct, lymph nodes, and several high-pressure blood ...

Mar 29, 2008

Stem cells from hair follicles may help 'grow' new blood vessels

For a rich source of stem cells to be engineered into new blood vessels or skin tissue, clinicians may one day look no further than the hair on their patients’ heads, according to new research published earlier this month ...

Dec 10, 2006

Muscle and bone from an ink-jet printer

A Pittsburgh-based research team has created and used an innovative ink-jet system to print "bio-ink" patterns that direct muscle-derived stem cells from adult mice to differentiate into both muscle cells and bone cells.

Apr 28, 2005

Researchers merge game theory with wireless networks, create 'smarter' garments

Using economic theory to improve wireless communications networks and designing garments that can sense their own shapes are among the goals of two National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) ...

Molecular & Computational biology Jan 16, 2024

Unraveling the role of supersulfides in regulating mitochondrial function and longevity

Supersulfides are gaining prominence for their occurrence as low-molecular-weight thiols or persulfidated cysteine residues, observed more frequently in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. These compounds, which are characterized ...

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