Search results for string theory

Mathematics May 14, 2021

The golden ratio: An ancient Greek formula could be responsible for most hit musicals

"What's the secret to your success?" A simple question asked frequently of those who have achieved greatness in their field. Sometimes, that secret is so well disguised even the successful individual is unaware of its influence.

General Physics May 11, 2021

Low-temperature physics gives insight into turbulence

A novel technique for studying vortices in quantum fluids has been developed by Lancaster physicists.

Nanophysics May 11, 2021

Electromagnetic levitation whips nanomaterials into shape

In order for metal nanomaterials to deliver on their promise to energy and electronics, they need to shape up—literally.

Earth Sciences Apr 28, 2021

Engineering professor solves deep earthquake mystery

These mysterious earthquakes originate between 400 and 700 kilometers below the surface of the Earth and have been recorded with magnitudes up to 8.3 on the Richter scale.

General Physics Apr 22, 2021

A novel optical physics method to measure the expansion of the universe

Quasars are extraordinarily distant celestial objects that throw off a massive amount of light, and astrophysicists use them to probe cosmological theories.

Polymers Apr 21, 2021

Jane Austen quote encoded in a polymer

Using a novel molecular-data-storage technique, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have encoded a quote from Jane Austen's classic novel Mansfield Park in a series of oligomers, which a third party could read ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 29, 2021

String theory solves mystery about how particles behave outside a black hole photon sphere

A paper by the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) Director Ooguri Hirosi and Project Researcher Matthew Dodelson on the string theoretical effects outside the black hole photon sphere ...

General Physics Mar 24, 2021

Effective Field Theories and the nature of the universe

What is the world made of? This question, which goes back millennia, was revisited by theoretical physicist Steven Weinberg from the University of Texas in Austin, TX, USA in the first of an international seminar series, ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 15, 2021

Study reveals new clues about the architecture of X chromosomes

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have uncovered new clues that add to the growing understanding of how female mammals, including humans, 'silence' one X chromosome. Their new study, published in Molecular ...

General Physics Mar 2, 2021

Theoretical interpretations of the pulsar timing data recently released by NANOGrav

The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) is a gravitational-wave detector that monitors areas in the vicinity of Earth using a network of pulsars (i.e., clock-like stars). At the end of ...

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