Search results for quantum entanglement

General Physics Apr 8, 2008

Researchers take step toward creating quantum computers using entangled photons in optical fibers

For now, full-fledged quantum computers are the stuff of science fiction — in last summer’s blockbuster movie Transformers, the bad guys use quantum computing to break into the U.S. Army's secure files in just 10 seconds ...

General Physics Mar 6, 2008

Physicists Transcribe Entanglement into and out of a Quantum Memory

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology have laid the groundwork for a crucial step in quantum information science. They show how entanglement, an essential property of quantum mechanics, can be generated between ...

General Physics Oct 11, 2007

Entanglement Swapping: A New Quantum Trick

In an important step for the infant field of quantum communications, researchers from the University of Geneva in Switzerland have, for the first time, realized an “entanglement swapping” experiment with photon pairs ...

General Physics Sep 28, 2006

Entanglement unties a tough quantum computing problem

Error correction coding is a fundamental process that underlies all of information science, but the task of adapting classical codes to quantum computing has long bumped up against what seemed to be a fundamental limitation.

Mar 31, 2006

Scientists demonstrate quantum nature of entanglement swapping

As if plain old quantum entanglement weren’t strange enough for modern physics, now physicists are entangling already entangled particles. In entanglement swapping, one particle of an entangled pair becomes entangled with ...

Jul 15, 2004

Bright and pure source of high-fidelity entangled photons for quantum computation and teleportation

Like virtuosos tuning their violins, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have tuned their instruments and harmonized the production of entangled photons, pushing rates to more than 1 million pairs ...

Quantum Physics Aug 27, 2015

Neural qubits: Quantum cognition based on synaptic nuclear spins

(—The pursuit of an understanding of the base machinery of the mind led early researchers to anatomical exhaustion. With neuroscience now in the throes of molecular mayhem and a waning biochemical bliss, physics ...

Quantum Physics Aug 5, 2021

New approach to information transfer reaches quantum speed limit

Even though quantum computers are a young technology and aren't yet ready for routine practical use, researchers have already been investigating the theoretical constraints that will bound quantum technologies. One of the ...

Quantum Physics Feb 7, 2018

Light controls two-atom quantum computation

Some powerful rulers of the world may dream of the possibility to get in touch with their colleagues on different continents unnoticed by friends or foes. Someday, new quantum technologies could allow for making these wishes ...

Quantum Physics May 11, 2023

Google Quantum AI braids non-Abelian anyons for the first time

Our intuition tells us that it should be impossible to see whether two identical objects have been swapped back and forth, and for all particles observed to date, that has been the case. Until now.

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