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Search results for meteorite

Biochemistry Dec 7, 2022

Meteorites plus gamma rays could have given Earth the building blocks for life

Even as detailed images of distant galaxies from the James Webb Space Telescope show us more of the greater universe, scientists still disagree about how life began here on Earth. One hypothesis is that meteorites delivered ...

Planetary Sciences Nov 29, 2022

New minerals discovered in massive meteorite may reveal clues to asteroid formation

A team of researchers has discovered at least two new minerals that have never before been seen on Earth in a 15 ton meteorite found in Somalia—the ninth largest meteorite ever found.

Astronomy Nov 26, 2022

How satellites, radar and drones are tracking meteorites and aiding Earth's asteroid defense

On July 31, 2013 a constellation of US defense satellites saw a streak of light over South Australia as a rock from outer space burned through Earth's atmosphere on its way to crash into the ground below.

Astronomy Nov 23, 2022

NASA program predicted impact of small asteroid over Ontario, Canada

2022 WJ1 was a tiny asteroid on a collision course with Earth. But astronomers saw it coming, and NASA's Scout impact hazard assessment system calculated where it would hit.

Astronomy Nov 22, 2022

Bright fireball may have dropped meteorites in Niagara region

A cosmic drama unfolded over southern Ontario on the night of Friday, Nov. 18, triggering an international collaboration and a meteorite hunt. Just before midnight Eastern time, the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona detected ...

Planetary Sciences Nov 21, 2022

Spy satellites, weather radars, and drones used to find new strewn field of meteorites

A field team led by Professor Andy Tomkins from the School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment at Monash University has found the largest meteorite strewn field in Australia since the famous Murchison meteorite fall in 1969.

Space Exploration Nov 17, 2022

UFOs are no laughing matter for us: Behind the scenes of France's real life 'Ovni' hunters

In France, the Study and Information Group on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEIPAN), has been investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs)—more commonly known as UFOs—for the past 45 years. Attached to the National ...

Planetary Sciences Nov 17, 2022

Ancient global ocean on Mars may have come from carbon-rich chondrite meteorites from the outer solar system

A team of researchers at the University of Copenhagen's Center for Star and Planet Formation, working with colleagues from Université de Paris, ETH Zürich and the University of Bern, has found evidence suggesting that most ...

Planetary Sciences Nov 16, 2022

New observation method helps unlock secrets of UK meteorite

The Winchcombe meteorite, a rare carbonaceous meteorite which crashed onto a driveway in Gloucestershire in 2021, has been found to contain extra-terrestrial water and organic compounds that reveal insights into the origin ...

Planetary Sciences Nov 3, 2022

Combining neutrons and X-ray imaging, scientists study meteorites to explore how Earth acquired its water

Each year, hundreds of meteorites—rocky bodies left over from the formation of the solar system—bombard Earth, delivering minerals, metals and water to our planet. Analyzing the crevices and mineral-rich deposits inside ...

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