Search results for national archives and records administration

Computer Sciences Dec 11, 2008

San Diego Supercomputer Center director offers tips on data preservation in the information age

The world has gone digital in just about everything we do. Almost every iota of information we access these days is stored in some kind of digital form and accessed electronically -- text, charts, images, video, music, you ...

Computer Sciences Nov 21, 2008

Opening the door to Europe's archives

( -- Historical archives can be difficult to search, especially when relevant documents are held by institutions in different countries. A European project has shown how a single online portal with a simple graphical ...

Earth Sciences Oct 10, 2008

Scientists resolve long-standing puzzle in climate science

( -- A team led by Livermore scientists has helped reconcile the differences between simulated and observed temperature trends in the tropics.

Earth Sciences Jul 30, 2008

Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason 2 Begins Mapping Oceans

( -- Less than a month after launch, the NASA-French space agency Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason 2 oceanography satellite has produced its first complete maps of global ocean surface topography, ...

Space Exploration May 20, 2008

Joint NASA-French satellite to track trends in sea level, climate

A satellite that will help scientists better monitor and understand rises in global sea level, study the world's ocean circulation and its links to Earth's climate, and improve weather and climate forecasts is undergoing ...

Other Apr 16, 2007

Giants Draft Storage System to Keep an Eye on the Game

With Barry Bonds on the verge of making baseball history, the S.F. Giants are bringing state-of-the-art video capabilities to AT&T Park, making it one of the world's most well-equipped high-tech sports venues.

Earth Sciences Feb 28, 2007

New evidence that global warming fuels stronger Atlantic hurricanes

Atmospheric scientists have uncovered fresh evidence to support the hotly debated theory that global warming has contributed to the emergence of stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean.

Feb 1, 2006

Satellite radar reveals ever-changing face of the ocean

Radar satellites such as ESA's Envisat and ERS-2 maintain constant watch on the Earth's surface, their signals able to cut through clouds, rain or darkness. This surveillance extends beyond the land to the 71% of the planet ...

Feb 21, 2005

Scientists advance in detection and attribution of climate change

Access to the next generation of climate change experiments has helped scientists obtain more comprehensive estimates of the expected “signal” of human influences on climate. Improved knowledge of this signal, and a ...

Aug 30, 2004

First Encrypted Desktop-to-Desktop Messaging Service

FrontBridge Technologies, the enterprise market leader for message management and email security, today launched the first managed service for desktop-to-desktop encrypted email. FrontBridge selected Voltage Security Inc., ...

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