Search results for asteroid belt

Space Exploration Jan 25, 2023

Lucy spacecraft set to encounter new asteroid target

NASA's Lucy spacecraft will add another asteroid encounter to its 4-billion-mile journey. On Nov. 1, 2023, the Southwest Research Institute-led Lucy mission will get a close-up view of a small main belt asteroid to conduct ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 23, 2023

'Rubble pile' asteroids nearly impossible to destroy, study suggests

Curtin University-led research into the durability and age of an ancient asteroid made of rocky rubble and dust, revealed significant findings that could contribute to potentially saving the planet if one ever hurtled toward ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 17, 2023

A hybrid fission/fusion reactor could be the best way to get through the ice on Europa

In the coming years, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) will send two robotic missions to explore Jupiter's icy moon Europa. These are none other than NASA's Europa Clipper and the ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE), ...

Astrobiology Jan 11, 2023

Interstellar cloud conditions may have played key role in building blocks of life origin

A new study led by Southwest Research Institute Research Scientist Dr. Danna Qasim posits that interstellar cloud conditions may have played a significant role on the presence of key building blocks of life in the solar system.

Astronomy Jan 11, 2023

Origin of fireball spotted falling across UK discovered

An orange-sized space rock which blazed across the skies January 9 probably didn't make it to Earth.

Astrobiology Dec 21, 2022

We could spread life to the Milky Way with comets. But should we?

Here's a thorny problem: What if life doesn't always appear on planets that can support it? What if we find more and more exoplanets and determine that some of them are habitable? What if we also determine that life hasn't ...

Astronomy Dec 19, 2022

Ancient asteroid grains provide insight into the evolution of our solar system

The U.K.'s national synchrotron facility, Diamond Light Source, was used by a large, international collaboration to study grains collected from a near-Earth asteroid to further our understanding of the evolution of our solar ...

Planetary Sciences Dec 14, 2022

New study says left-over planetesimals, not asteroids, created the moon's largest craters

The moon's pock-marked surface tells the story of its history. It's marked by over 9,000 impact craters, according to the International Astronomical Union (IAU.) The largest ones are called impact basins, not craters. Now, ...

Astronomy Nov 30, 2022

Astronomers directly image a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a sunlike star

According to the most widely-accepted theory, planetary systems form from large clouds of dust and gas that form disks around young stars. Over time, these disks accrete to create planets of varying size, composition, and ...

Space Exploration Nov 18, 2022

JAXA's ambitious mission to Phobos will even have European-built rover

Japan and Germany have a history of collaboration in scientific and technological endeavors. The countries have a Joint Committee on Cooperation in Science Technology that has met many times over the decades. Both countries ...

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