Search results for academic partnerships

Education Jan 11, 2023

Program teaches US Air Force personnel the fundamentals of AI

A new academic program developed at MIT aims to teach U.S. Air and Space Forces personnel to understand and utilize artificial intelligence technologies. In a recent study which the program researchers recently shared at ...

Ecology Jan 4, 2023

Nature conservation needs to incorporate the human approach

An international study led by the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) stresses the need to apply a biocultural approach in nature conservation programs.

Social Sciences Dec 14, 2022

Viewpoint: Why I'm righting the wrongs of my early research and sharing my scientific data with local communities

"You know what's wrong with scientific power? It's a form of inherited wealth. And you know what assholes congenitally rich people are." That's how author Michael Crichton put it in "Jurassic Park" nearly 30 years ago. The ...

Economics & Business Dec 13, 2022

The motivational magic of workplace pairings

Much to the chagrin of most managers, the complexity of human psychology does not cease when employees enter the office or log onto Zoom. In fact, complexity seems to be baked into our personality structure. In a widely cited ...

Ecology Dec 13, 2022

Digital technologies for biodiversity protection and climate action: Solution or COP out?

With biodiversity declining at unprecedented rates and less than a decade remaining to avert the worst effects of climate change, world leaders and policymakers are on the hunt for new and innovative solutions. In the halls ...

Social Sciences Dec 8, 2022

To resolve youth violence, Canada must move beyond policing and prison

The most recent shooting involving a Toronto high school student this October highlighted a rising problem with gun violence in North American schools. In Canada's largest city, it raised alarms about how the crisis is getting ...

Social Sciences Dec 8, 2022

Co-working spaces limit creativity in the long run, finds new study

Co-working spaces can limit the creativity and innovation of new businesses, a study has found.

Social Sciences Dec 2, 2022

Report outlines key recommendations to broaden diversity of PhD students in life sciences

A new report has revealed some of the barriers prospective students face in studying life sciences at postdoctoral level.

Social Sciences Dec 2, 2022

Call to protect Australian tenants with pets

With the national squeeze in rental accommodation, Flinders University researchers say it's more important than ever that the South Australian Parliament legislate to uphold the rights of tenants with pets.

Social Sciences Nov 29, 2022

Black people are more than three times more likely to experience homelessness

A new report, authored by Heriot-Watt University, found that in England the highest levels of homelessness risks are experienced by people from Black and minoritised ethnic backgrounds.

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