Search results for qubits

Quantum Physics Apr 6, 2016

Feedback technique used on diamond 'qubits' could make quantum computing more practical

Quantum computers are largely hypothetical devices that could perform some calculations much more rapidly than conventional computers can. They exploit a property called superposition, which describes a quantum particle's ...

Quantum Physics Mar 11, 2016

Team takes giant step forward in generating optical qubits

An optical chip developed at INRS by Prof. Roberto Morandotti's team overcomes a number of obstacles in the development of quantum computers, which are expected to revolutionize information processing. An international research ...

Quantum Physics Feb 25, 2016

Quantum physicist tame a so-called 'dark state' created in a superconducting qubit

A team of quantum physicists at Aalto University led by Dr. Sorin Paraoanu managed to tame a so-called "dark state" created in a superconducting qubit. A superconducting qubit is an artificial atom fabricated on a silicon ...

Quantum Physics Jan 7, 2016

Isolating and controlling qubits for quantum information processing

Harnessing quantum systems for information processing will require controlling large numbers of basic building blocks called qubits. The qubits must be isolated, and in most cases cooled such that, among other things, errors ...

Quantum Physics Aug 27, 2015

Neural qubits: Quantum cognition based on synaptic nuclear spins

(—The pursuit of an understanding of the base machinery of the mind led early researchers to anatomical exhaustion. With neuroscience now in the throes of molecular mayhem and a waning biochemical bliss, physics ...

Quantum Physics Dec 29, 2014

A qubit candidate shines brighter

In the race to design the world's first universal quantum computer, a special kind of diamond defect called a nitrogen vacancy (NV) center is playing a big role. NV centers consist of a nitrogen atom and a vacant site that ...

Other Jul 21, 2014

Best of Last Week – New type of qubit created, Hubble sees a glowing galaxy and extreme agreeing may solve disagreements

( —Summer may be on us (at least in the northern hemisphere) but scientists are still busy conducting research, particularly at the Large Hadron Collider as physicists detect process even rarer than the long-sought ...

General Physics Jul 18, 2014

Highly charged ions: Multiply-ionized atoms for clocks, qubits, and constants

The world is mostly neutral. That is, most of the atoms in our environment are electrically neutral. The number of electrons in the outer parts of atoms equals the number of protons at the centers of atoms. As one or more ...

Quantum Physics Jul 15, 2014

Particle, meet wave: Optical qubit technique squeezes photons to bridge discrete and continuous quantum regimes

( —While quantum states are typically referred to as particles or waves, this is not actually the case. Rather, quantum states have complementary discrete particlelike and continuous wavelike properties that emerge ...

Quantum Physics Jul 4, 2014

Remote quantum applications, teleportation enabled by calling long distance between superconducting qubits

( —Researchers have developed a way for superconducting quantum chips to talk to each other over large distances through an optical fibre, allowing quantum entanglement or teleportation - both key steps towards ...

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