See also stories tagged with Comet

Search results for Comet

Planetary Sciences Apr 19, 2022

Space dust, asteroids and comets can account for all water on Mercury

Mercury harbors water ice in the shadows of the steepest craters around its poles. But it is unclear how those water molecules ended up on Mercury. Now a new simulation shows that incoming minor bodies such as asteroids, ...

Astronomy Apr 17, 2022

Astronomers confirm size of largest comet ever discovered, bigger than Rhode Island

Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Telescope have confirmed the existence the largest comet ever discovered, and it will pass by our sun in the next decade.

Astronomy Apr 12, 2022

4 billion-year-old relic from early solar system heading our way

An enormous comet—approximately 80 miles across, more than twice the width of Rhode Island—is heading our way at 22,000 miles per hour from the edge of the solar system. Fortunately, it will never get closer than 1 billion ...

Astronomy Mar 30, 2022

Scientists discover distant long-period comets quickly fade away

As comets approach the Sun, they release gas and dust known to astronomers as cometary activity. For comets passing near or inside Earth's orbit, this activity slows over successive orbits. University of Oklahoma astronomer ...

Astronomy Mar 22, 2022

Could the asteroid Ryugu be a remnant of an extinct comet?

Asteroids hold many clues about the formation and evolution of planets and their satellites. Understanding their history can, therefore, reveal much about our solar system. While observations made from a distance using electromagnetic ...

Astronomy Mar 14, 2022

Comet 67P's abundant oxygen more of an illusion, new study suggests

When the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft discovered abundant molecular oxygen bursting from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) in 2015, it puzzled scientists. They had never seen a comet emit oxygen, let alone ...

Astronomy Mar 14, 2022

The sun is slowly tearing this comet apart

Using ground-based and space-based observations, a team of researchers has been monitoring a difficult-to-see comet carefully. It's called Comet 323P/SOHO, and it was discovered over 20 years ago in 1999. But it's difficult ...

Planetary Sciences Feb 9, 2022

Scientists determine comet delivery to Moon

Southwest Research Institute scientists joined a team that reanalyzed and modeled data from a planned lunar impact more than a decade ago. The findings suggest that volatiles present in a crater near the Moon's south pole ...

Astronomy Feb 8, 2022

Comet 2014 UN271 the largest ever observed

A team of researchers with the Paris observatory and Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC, has confirmed that comet 2014 UN271 is the largest comet ever observed. They published a paper describing their findings on ...

Archaeology Feb 1, 2022

Did comet's fiery destruction lead to downfall of ancient Hopewell?

The rapid decline of the Hopewell culture about 1,500 years ago might be explained by falling debris from a near-Earth comet that created a devastating explosion over North America, laying waste to forests and Native American ...

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