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Nanomaterials Jul 6, 2024

High-selectivity graphene membranes enhance CO₂ capture efficiency

Reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions is a crucial step towards mitigating climate change and protecting the environment on Earth. One proposed technology for reducing CO₂ emissions, particularly from power plants and ...

Astronomy Jul 6, 2024

Exploring the possibility of probing fundamental spacetime symmetries via gravitational wave memory

As predicted by the theory of general relativity, the passage of gravitational waves can leave a measurable change in the relative positions of objects. This physical phenomenon, known as gravitational wave memory, could ...

Veterinary medicine Jul 5, 2024

Study shows current strategies are ineffective in controlling Salmonella Dublin in Danish cattle

In a recent study published in the Journal of Dairy Science, researchers from the Complexity Science Hub (CSH), the University of Copenhagen, and SEGES have shown that despite stringent movement restrictions among Danish ...

Molecular & Computational biology Jul 5, 2024

Pear-derived discovery: A genetic mechanism to fortify crops against drought

A recent study has shed light on a critical genetic mechanism that boosts plants' ability to withstand drought. The research uncovers the role of the transcription factor PbERF3, native to wild pears, which works in concert ...

Archaeology Jul 5, 2024

Ancient volcanic eruption not a catalyst for early Homo sapiens cultural innovations, researchers say

An international team of researchers from the Universities of Tübingen (Dr. Armando Falcucci), Siena, and Bologna analyzed the cultural remains left by groups of early Homo sapiens at Grotta di Castelcivita in southern Italy, ...

Polymers Jul 5, 2024

New chemical process separates textile fibers for easier recycling

A combined team of chemical and biomolecular engineers from the University of Delaware, and the Center for Plastics Innovation, both in the U.S., has developed a way to chemically separate fibers in textiles, allowing them ...

Plants & Animals Jul 5, 2024

High speed video shows hippos get airborne when running

A pair of evolutionary biomechanics specialists at the University of London's, Royal Veterinary College, has found that when hippos run at full speed, all four of their feet are regularly in the air.

Social Sciences Jul 4, 2024

'I pretty much already know what Australia's like': What Aussie teenagers told researchers about not watching local TV

Australian teenagers have grown up with abundant choices in digital screen entertainment including social media, gaming and streaming video.

Economics & Business Jul 4, 2024

Q&A: Study explores opportunities to increase representation of women in leadership

Since the early 1970s, there has been a worldwide promise to support women in achieving positions of authority in U.S. corporations. However, the business world has not necessarily met that promise.

Plants & Animals Jul 4, 2024

Exploring the casque anatomy of aerial jousting helmeted hornbills

New research reveals how the surprising internal anatomy of the helmeted hornbill's casque allows it to withstand damage during aerial jousting battles with rivals. Researchers hope that this new understanding can help to ...

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