Search results for ancient boat

Environment Jul 13, 2020

Chinese rivers and lakes swell perilously as summer flood season crests

Floods across central and eastern China have left more than 140 people dead or missing and are swelling major rivers and lakes to record-high levels, with authorities warning that the worst was yet to come.

Plants & Animals Jul 13, 2020

Our helicopter rescue may seem a lot of effort for a plain little bird, but it was worth it

As we stepped out of a military helicopter on Victoria's east coast in February, smoke towered into the sky. We'd just flown over a blackened landscape extending as far as the eye could see. Now we were standing in an active ...

Archaeology Jul 2, 2020

Researchers uncover an ancient Aboriginal archaeological site preserved on the seabed

For most of the human history of Australia, sea levels were much lower than they are today, and there was extra dry land where people lived.

Archaeology Jun 22, 2020

3-D reconstructions of boats from the ancient port of Rome

Today, Fiumicino in Italy is a busy airport, but 2,000 years ago this area was filled with boats—it was a large artificial harbor only a stone's throw from the ancient port of Rome (Ostia).

Archaeology Jun 17, 2020

First-degree incest: Ancient genomes uncover Irish passage tomb for dynastic elite

Archeologists and geneticists, led by those from Trinity College Dublin, have shed new light on the earliest periods of Ireland's human history.

Earth Sciences May 27, 2020

Study shows erosion of ozone layer responsible for mass extinction event

Researchers at the University of Southampton have shown that an extinction event 360 million years ago, that killed much of the Earth's plant and freshwater aquatic life, was caused by a brief breakdown of the ozone layer ...

Plants & Animals May 20, 2020

Researchers focus on the bacteria in the clam that sank a thousand ships

They stranded Christopher Columbus in Jamaica. They brought down the Spanish Armada. They sent San Francisco's piers crumbling into the sea.

Ecology Mar 5, 2020

Scientists seed local seas with imperiled fish. Can giant sea bass make a comeback?

A team of scuba-diving biologists has released nearly 200 baby giant sea bass into the murky depths of Santa Monica Bay where the critically endangered fish will grow to be the size of Volkswagen Beetles.

Ecology Jan 27, 2020

Revenge of the albatross: seabirds expose illicit fishing

For the magnificent but maligned albatross, it was time for a little payback after centuries of insult and injury.

Archaeology Jan 6, 2020

Over-hunting walruses contributed to the collapse of Norse Greenland, study suggests

The mysterious disappearance of Greenland's Norse colonies sometime in the 15th century may have been down to the overexploitation of walrus populations for their tusks, according to a study of medieval artefacts from across ...

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