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Search results for Shuttle

Space Exploration Sep 2, 2022

Once in the doldrums, Florida coast hums with space launches

A decade ago, Florida's Space Coast was in the doldrums.

Space Exploration Aug 30, 2022

Artemis 1 mission sets the stage for routine space exploration beyond Earth's orbit

NASA's Artemis 1 mission is poised to take a key step toward returning humans to the moon after a half-century hiatus. The launch was scheduled for the morning of Aug. 29, 2022, but was postponed due to an issue with one ...

Biochemistry Aug 15, 2022

Sugar metabolism is surprisingly conventional in cancer

For over a century, cancer cell metabolism has been viewed as something of a paradox. New work from researchers at Washington University in St. Louis shows that it might not be such an anomaly after all. The study is published ...

Space Exploration Aug 15, 2022

All systems go in Houston as NASA prepares return to Moon

Rick LaBrode has worked at NASA for 37 years, but he says the American quest to return to the Moon is by far the crowning moment of his career.

Soft Matter Jun 24, 2022

Making the invisible visible: The remarkable journey of a powerhouse space microscope

Colloids are mixtures of microscopic particles suspended in fluids—substances that are part solid, part liquid. Colloids are found in products including toothpaste, ketchup, paint and liquid hand soap, and are part of a ...

Space Exploration May 21, 2022

Boeing docks crew capsule to space station in test do-over

With only a test dummy aboard, Boeing's astronaut capsule pulled up and parked at the International Space Station for the first time Friday, a huge achievement for the company after years of false starts.

Space Exploration Apr 25, 2022

Rich trio back on Earth after charter trip to space station

Three rich businessmen returned from the International Space Station with their astronaut escort Monday, wrapping up a pricey trip that marked NASA's debut as a B&B host.

Space Exploration Apr 21, 2022

Apollo 16 moonwalker reflects on mission's 50th anniversary

Charlie Duke is part of a tiny fraternity that's getting even smaller: People who walked on the moon.

Astrobiology Mar 24, 2022

On Jupiter's moon Europa, 'chaos terrains' could be shuttling oxygen to ocean

Salt water within the icy shell of Jupiter's moon Europa could be transporting oxygen into an ice-covered ocean of liquid water where it could potentially help sustain alien life, according to a team of researchers led by ...

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 4, 2022

Scientists identify a shuttle protein for the nuclear import of proteins essential for organ growth and development

Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) have identified a nuclear import mechanism essential for organ growth and development. Manipulation of this mechanism has potential applications ...

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