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Search results for advanced materials

Space Exploration Jul 1, 2024

Japan launches an advanced Earth observation satellite on its new flagship H3 rocket

Japan deployed an upgraded Earth observation satellite for disaster response and security after it was launched on a new flagship H3 rocket Monday.

Ecology Jun 25, 2024

Bacteria found to produce proteins that act like antifreeze, helping marine worms survive in polar waters

A team of marine biologists affiliated with multiple institutions in Italy has found that some marine worms are able to survive in cold polar waters thanks to symbiotic bacteria that produce antifreeze-like proteins.

Nanomaterials Jun 21, 2024

Scientists discover new behavior of membranes that could lead to unprecedented separations

Imagine a close basketball game that comes down to the final shot. The probability of the ball going through the hoop might be fairly low, but it would dramatically increase if the player were afforded the opportunity to ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 20, 2024

Mini liver model innovations promise more effective drug testing

A laboratory-grown mini liver model uniquely created with liver cells and a synthetic nanoscaffold has shown to be effective in mimicking the liver, promising a new and more effective testing method for medicines that is ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 1, 2024

ATP's role in biomanufacturing: Fluctuating cellular energy drives microbial bioproduction

In the work of biomanufacturing, tanks of microbes are fine-tuned to produce compounds that can be used as carbon-neutral fuels, chemicals, materials and medicines, but researchers are still learning the basics of how to ...

Plants & Animals Jun 26, 2024

What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation

A butterfly's wing is covered in hundreds of thousands of tiny scales like miniature shingles on a paper-thin roof. A single scale is as small as a speck of dust, yet surprisingly complex, with a corrugated surface of ridges ...

Condensed Matter Jun 24, 2024

Speeding through the microcosm: Insights into ultrafast electron and lattice dynamics

A study has unlocked new dimensions in understanding the ultrafast processes of charge and energy transfer at the microscale. The research delves into the dynamics of microscopic particles, providing insights that could revolutionize ...

Condensed Matter Jul 5, 2024

Scientists visualize magnetic fields at atomic scale with holography electron microscope

A research team from Japan, including scientists from Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE 6501, Hitachi), Kyushu University, RIKEN, and HREM Research Inc. (HREM), has achieved a major breakthrough in the observation of magnetic fields at ...

Optics & Photonics Jul 8, 2024

Boosting UV light absorption in 2D semiconductor with quantum dot hybrids for enhanced light emission

A new publication in Opto-Electronic Science discusses boosting UV light absorption in a 2D semiconductor with quantum dot hybrids for enhanced light emission.

Biotechnology Jul 5, 2024

Researchers pioneer new methods in ultrafast science for sharper molecular movies

Imagine being able to watch the inner workings of a chemical reaction or a material as it changes and reacts to its environment—that's the sort of thing researchers can do with a high-speed "electron camera" called the ...

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