Search results for Trojan

Archaeology Nov 25, 2021

Extraordinary Roman mosaic and villa discovered beneath farmer's field in Rutland, UK

Archaeologists have unearthed the first Roman mosaic of its kind in the UK. Today (Thursday 25th November 2021), a rare Roman mosaic and surrounding villa complex have been protected as a Scheduled Monument by DCMS on the ...

Evolution Nov 11, 2021

More evidence of an evolutionary 'arms race' between genes and selfish genetic elements

The human genome is littered with selfish genetic elements, which do not seem to benefit their hosts, but instead seek only to propagate themselves.

Space Exploration Oct 29, 2021

Proposed Centaur mission could catch comets in the act of formation

From Mercury to the depths of the distant Kuiper Belt, there aren't many unexplored corners of the solar system out there. One class of object, however, remains to be visited: the transitional Centaurs out beyond the orbit ...

Space Exploration Oct 28, 2021

Solar wing jammed on NASA spacecraft chasing asteroids

NASA is debating whether to try to fix a jammed solar panel on its newly launched Lucy spacecraft, en route to explore an unprecedented number of asteroids.

Space Exploration Oct 18, 2021

How the Sun affects asteroids in our neighborhood

Asteroids embody the story of our solar system's beginning. Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, which orbit the Sun on the same path as the gas giant, are no exception. The Trojans are thought to be left over from the objects that ...

Space Exploration Oct 16, 2021

NASA's asteroid hunter Lucy soars into sky with diamonds

A NASA spacecraft named Lucy rocketed into the sky with diamonds Saturday morning on a 12-year quest to explore eight asteroids.

Space Exploration Oct 15, 2021

Imminent asteroid missions could reveal our origins, and help save Earth from deadly strike

Asteroids are remnants of the early Solar System, with the potential to reveal secrets of our planet's origins. But they could also bring an end to life on Earth. Now two missions, Lucy and DART (Double Asteroid Redirection ...

Space Exploration Oct 14, 2021

Lucy in the sky: Spacecraft will visit record 8 asteroids

Attention asteroid aficionados: NASA is set to launch a series of spacecraft to visit and even bash some of the solar system's most enticing space rocks.

Astronomy Oct 12, 2021

NASA's Lucy spacecraft poised to launch Oct. 16

NASA's Lucy spacecraft is encapsulated in a protective fairing atop an Atlas V rocket, awaiting its 23-day launch window to open on October 16. All is go for the Southwest Research Institute-led mission to begin, as the spacecraft ...

Space Exploration Oct 7, 2021

NASA's Lucy mission: A journey to the young solar system

NASA's Lucy spacecraft will launch in October 2021 on a 12-year journey to Jupiter's Trojan asteroids. The Lucy mission will include three Earth gravity assists and visits to eight asteroids.

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