Search results for Huygens

Space Exploration Sep 15, 2017

NASA's Cassini spacecraft at Saturn nears fiery finale

NASA's Cassini spacecraft at Saturn closed in on its fiery finish early Friday, following a remarkable journey of 20 years.

Space Exploration Sep 15, 2017

Astronomers bid farewell to $3.9 bn Saturn spacecraft

Astronomers around the world bid farewell Friday to NASA's famed Cassini spacecraft, which launched 20 years ago to circle Saturn and transformed the way we think about life elsewhere in the solar system.

Space Exploration Sep 15, 2017

Cassini spacecraft: 'Magnifying glass' at Saturn until end

For more than a decade, NASA's Cassini spacecraft at Saturn took "a magnifying glass" to the enchanting planet, its moons and rings.

Space Exploration Sep 13, 2017

Scientists ready for Cassini mission to Saturn grand finale

University of Colorado Boulder Professor Larry Esposito has been eying the fabulous rings of Saturn for much of his career, beginning as a team scientist on NASA's Pioneer 11 mission when he discovered the planet's faint ...

Space Exploration Sep 13, 2017

Cassini readies final plunge into Saturn

NASA's Cassini probe is counting its final hours before one last plunge into Saturn on Friday that will cap a fruitful 13-year mission that greatly expanded knowledge about the gas giant.

Space Exploration Sep 13, 2017

Cassini's search for the building blocks of life on Titan

Lakes and seas of liquid methane, rain from hydrocarbon clouds, and evidence of poisonous hydrogen cyanide in the atmosphere of Titan were just some of the discoveries the Cassini probe made of Saturns's largest moon.

Space Exploration Sep 13, 2017

Receiving Cassini's 'last breath of data' from 1.5 billion kilometers away

This Friday evening (15 September) at about 9:54pm AEST, CSIRO's team at the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex will capture the final signals from NASA's Cassini spacecraft as it plunges into Saturn's atmosphere at ...

Space Exploration Sep 12, 2017

NASA's Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft faces fiery finish

After a 20-year voyage, NASA's Cassini spacecraft is poised to dive into Saturn this week to become forever one with the exquisite planet.

Space Exploration Sep 11, 2017

How two ground-based telescopes support NASA's Cassini mission

When NASA's Cassini spacecraft plunges into the atmosphere of Saturn on Sept. 15, ending its 20 years of exploration, astronomers will observe the giant planet from Earth, giving context to Cassini's final measurements.

Space Exploration Sep 6, 2017

Video: The historic adventure of Cassini-Huygens

Cassini-Huygens was launched on 15 October 1997 from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

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