Search results for planetesimals

Astronomy Nov 3, 2014

Very Large Telescope Interferometer detects exozodiacal light

By using the full power of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer an international team of astronomers has discovered exozodiacal light close to the habitable zones around nine nearby stars. This light is starlight reflected ...

Space Exploration Mar 25, 2010

Dynamo theory: How small planets can have self-sustaining magnetic fields

The Earth's global magnetic field is generated in its metallic core, located nearly 3,000 kilometers beneath the planet’s surface. The field has existed on Earth for at least 3.5 billion years and offers clues about how ...

Astronomy Oct 6, 2009

Dirty stars make good solar system hosts (w/ Video)

Some stars are lonely behemoths, with no surrounding planets or asteroids, while others sport a skirt of attendant planetary bodies. New research published this week in The Astrophysical Journal Letters explains why the ...

Astronomy Oct 30, 2008

Magnetic fields record the early histories of planets

( -- Meteorites that are among the oldest rocks ever found have provided new clues about the conditions that existed at the beginning of the solar system, solving a longstanding mystery and overturning some accepted ...

Astronomy Jan 9, 2008

Two unusual older stars giving birth to second wave of planets

Hundreds of millions — or even billions — of years after planets would have initially formed around two unusual stars, a second wave of planetesimal and planet formation appears to be taking place, UCLA astronomers and ...

Astronomy Jun 27, 2006

Hubble Reveals Two Dust Disks Around Nearby Star

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has revealed two dust disks circling the nearby star Beta Pictoris. The images confirm a decade of scientific speculation that a warp in the young star's dust disk may actually be a second inclined ...

Mar 30, 2006

Simulation Tracks Planetary Evolution

Two British astronomers have constructed a computer simulation that tracks how giant protoplanets tend to form and migrate inward toward their central star.

Mar 21, 2006

The locked migration of giant protoplanets

In an article to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, two British astronomers present new numerical simulations of how planetary systems form. They find that, in the early stages of planetary formation, giant protoplanets ...

Aug 24, 2004

Meteorites Could Play a Key Role in Earth Life

University of Arizona scientists have discovered that meteorites, particularly iron meteorites, may have been critical to the evolution of life on Earth. Their research shows that meteorites easily could have provided ...

Astronomy Feb 27, 2024

Dust growth model finds planets may form more easily than previously thought

The building blocks of new planets could form more easily than previously thought, according to calculations by a team led by a RIKEN astrophysicist.

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