Search results for cardiac engineering

Engineering Aug 30, 2012

Light-activated skeletal muscle engineered (w/ Video)

Many robotic designs take nature as their muse: sticking to walls like geckos, swimming through water like tuna, sprinting across terrain like cheetahs. Such designs borrow properties from nature, using engineered materials ...

General Physics Mar 2, 2012

Heart-powered pacemaker could one day eliminate battery-replacement surgery

A new power scheme for cardiac pacemakers turns to an unlikely source: vibrations from heartbeats themselves.

Computer Sciences Aug 23, 2011

Researchers develop algorithm to improve remote electrocardiography

Today someone in a remote village in India is able to run an electrocardiogram (ECG) via their smart phone on a loved one having a potential heart attack and send to a doctor in New Delhi for analysis.

Bio & Medicine May 22, 2023

A giant leap forward in wireless ultrasound monitoring for subjects in motion

A team of engineers at the University of California San Diego has developed the first fully integrated wearable ultrasound system for deep-tissue monitoring, including for subjects on the go. It facilitates potentially life-saving ...

Biochemistry Feb 13, 2020

Bioengineers take step toward a patch that could mend a broken heart

Bioengineers from Trinity have developed a prototype patch that does the same job as crucial aspects of heart tissue.

Biotechnology Dec 2, 2019

Using electronics to solve common biological problems

What do an electrical engineer, an organic chemist, a materials scientist and a cell biologist all have in common? They invent and improve applications at the interface of biology and electronics.

Engineering Jun 1, 2016

Radar, bed sensors help health providers detect problems early

Developing and evaluating motion-capture technology to help older adults "age in place" has been the focus of researchers at the University of Missouri for more than a decade. Previous research has utilized video game technology ...

Other Nov 7, 2022

Are COVID 'comas' signs of a protective hibernation state?

Many COVID-19 patients who have been treated for weeks or months with mechanical ventilation have been slow to regain consciousness even after being taken off sedation. A new article in the Proceedings of the National Academy ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 6, 2014

Establishing standards where none exist: Researchers define 'good' stem cells

After more than a decade of incremental – and paradigm shifting, advances in stem cell biology, almost anyone with a basic understanding of life sciences knows that stem cells are the basic form of cell from which all specialized ...

Energy & Green Tech Jun 7, 2010

Working toward the next battery breakthrough (w/ Video)

If battery-making is an art, then University at Buffalo scientist Esther Takeuchi is among its most prolific masters, with more than 140 U.S. patents, all in energy storage.

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