Search results for mentally demanding

Social Sciences Jul 20, 2023

Give more people with learning disabilities the chance to work, historian argues

Employment levels for people with learning disabilities in the UK are five to 10 times lower than they were a hundred years ago. And the experiences of workers from the 1910s–50s offer inspiration as well as lessons about ...

Social Sciences Jul 13, 2023

New findings show a direct causal relationship between unemployment and suicide

Studies using traditional statistical methods have long indicated a link between unemployment and suicide. But until now it has been unclear if this relationship is causal. That is, even though the suicide rate is higher ...

Social Sciences Jul 10, 2023

Research tracks young Australians' precarious work and study lives after Year 12

New research released today by The Smith Family shows how leaving school can be a difficult and complex time for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. It also shows how COVID has made this more difficult and complex.

Social Sciences Jul 10, 2023

How changes in the law will finally help victims of 'revenge porn'

In 2015, Keeley Richards-Shaw found her name and personal life splashed all over the media. Her photo, her job and links to her Facebook page were all published. She'd been in court seeing her ex-partner sentenced for harassment ...

Social Sciences Jul 10, 2023

The deinfluencing trend reflects a growing desire for authenticity online

A new social media trend has recently emerged in response to the materialistic nature of influencer culture: deinfluencing. This trend involves influencers discouraging their followers from buying overpriced or ineffective ...

Evolution Jul 5, 2023

All animal intelligence was shaped by just five leaps in brain evolution, new paper argues

The animal world is full of different types of intelligence, from the simple bodily coordination of jellyfish to the navigation abilities of bees, the complex songs of birds and the imaginative symbolic thought of humans.

Social Sciences Jul 3, 2023

Cognitive flexibility moderates teacher stress, shows study

As part of their work, educators are often exposed to various stressful events, including violence between students or towards teachers, sexual assault and suicidal behavior, as well as death or illness of students or their ...

Social Sciences Jul 3, 2023

Q&A: Democracy means different things to different people

Texas A&M University Professor Dr. Kirby Goidel reflects on the "march of democracy" as America's 247th birthday nears. A professor of political science in the Bush School of Government and Public Service, Goidel studies ...

Ecology Jun 21, 2023

US national parks are crowded—and so are many national forests, wildlife refuges, battlefields and seashores

Outdoor recreation is on track for another record-setting year. In 2022, U.S. national parks logged more than 300 million visits—and that means a lot more people on roads and trails.

Social Sciences Jun 19, 2023

Stereotypes about dads are harming millions, family relationship expert warns

Misconceptions and stereotypes about the role of dads in family life are not only rife but are setting men up to fail, according to a family relationship expert, who claims millions of families are being hurt as a result.

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