Search results for Planet Venus

Space Exploration Jul 3, 2023

NASA's Parker Solar Probe completes 16th close approach to the sun

NASA's Parker Solar Probe accomplished a milestone on June 27, 2023—its 16th orbit of the sun. This included a close approach to the sun (known as perihelion) on June 22, 2023, where the spacecraft came within 5.3 million ...

Planetary Sciences Jul 1, 2023

Astronomers puzzled by 'planet that shouldn't exist'

The search for planets outside our solar system—exoplanets—is one of the most rapidly growing fields in astronomy. Over the past few decades, more than 5,000 exoplanets have been detected and astronomers now estimate ...

Astrobiology Jun 21, 2023

Exoplanet may reveal secrets about the edge of habitability

How close can a rocky planet be to a star, and still sustain water and life?

Planetary Sciences Jun 19, 2023

Webb rules out thick carbon dioxide atmosphere for rocky exoplanet

Infrared measurements of TRAPPIST-1 c indicate that it is probably not as Venus-like as once imagined.

Astronomy Jun 15, 2023

There could still be a ninth planet in our solar system. Here's why

,We all used to think there were nine planets. But in 2006, the solar system was left with only eight planets, when Pluto was no longer classified as such. But is it still possible there is a planet out there beyond Neptune—possibly ...

Space Exploration Jun 14, 2023

BepiColombo braces for third Mercury flyby

The ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission is gearing up for its next close flyby of Mercury on 19 June, when it will pass the planet's surface at an altitude of about 236 km.

Astrobiology Jun 14, 2023

Plate tectonics not required for the emergence of life, argues study

Scientists have taken a journey back in time to unlock the mysteries of Earth's early history, using tiny mineral crystals called zircons to study plate tectonics billions of years ago. The research sheds light on the conditions ...

Astrobiology Jun 14, 2023

Venus' sulfuric acid clouds cool enough to host RNA and DNA bases, says study

A team of chemists, biologists and planetary scientists from MIT, Nanoplanet Consulting, Harvard University and the University of Alberta has found via lab experimentation that conditions in Venus' clouds are possibly conducive ...

Astronomy Jun 7, 2023

Astronomers observe giant tails of helium escaping Jupiter-like planet

A team of astronomers has used observations from the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) at The University of Texas at Austin's McDonald Observatory to discover some of the longest tails of gas yet observed escaping a planet.

Astronomy Jun 5, 2023

Five incredible craters that will make you fall in love with the grandeur of our solar system

Impact cratering happens on every solid body in the solar system. In fact, it is the dominant process affecting the surfaces on most extraterrestrial bodies today.

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