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Search results for nuclear fusion

Plasma Physics May 30, 2023

Small fusion experiment hits temperatures hotter than the sun's core

To produce commercial energy, future fusion power plants will need to achieve temperatures of 100 million degrees C. To do so requires careful control of the plasma. In a study published in the journal Nuclear Fusion, researchers ...

Plasma Physics May 25, 2023

Experiments shed light on pressure-driven ionization in giant planets and stars

Scientists have conducted laboratory experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) that provide new insights on the complex process of pressure-driven ionization in giant planets and stars. Their research, ...

Astronomy May 19, 2023

Radiant protostars and shadowy clouds clash in stellar nursery

The massive, star-forming interstellar cloud Lupus 3 is captured with the 570-megapixel US Department of Energy-fabricated Dark Energy Camera at NSF's NOIRLab's Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. The dazzling ...

Plasma Physics May 19, 2023

Demystifying vortex rings in nuclear fusion and supernovae

Better understanding the formation of swirling, ring-shaped disturbances—known as vortex rings—could help nuclear fusion researchers compress fuel more efficiently, bringing it closer to becoming a viable energy source.

Astronomy May 18, 2023

A strange quark matter core likely exists in neutron stars

At the end of a star's life, nuclear fusion ceases, and the resulting pressure is no longer sufficient to counteract the gravitational force. This collapse can lead to the formation of neutron stars, which are composed of ...

Quantum Physics May 16, 2023

New tool to guide efficient energy extraction from quantum sources

The idea that energy is a fundamental driver of societal progress has led to the concept that a civilization's level of technological development can be measured by its ability to harness and use energy. Based on this, Russian ...

Astronomy May 16, 2023

Temperature of solar flares helps understand nature of solar plasma

The sun's rotation produces changes in its magnetic field, which flips completely every 11 years or so, triggering a phase of intense activity. Solar flares—huge eruptions from the surface of the sun lasting minutes or ...

Space Exploration May 11, 2023

What if Titan Dragonfly had a fusion engine?

In a little over four years, NASA's Dragonfly mission will launch into space and begin its long journey towards Titan, Saturn's largest moon. As part of the New Frontiers program, this quadcopter will explore Titan's atmosphere, ...

Planetary Sciences May 10, 2023

One in ten stars ate a Jupiter-sized planet, suggests paper

In space, cataclysmic events happen to stars all the time. Some explode as supernovae, some get torn apart by black holes, and some suffer other fates. But when it comes to planets, stars turn the tables. Then it's the stars ...

Plasma Physics Apr 11, 2023

New discovery points the way to more compact fusion power plants

A magnetic cage keeps the more than 100 million degree Celsius hot plasmas in nuclear fusion devices at a distance from the vessel wall so that they do not melt. Now researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics ...

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